Backup from Facebook Photo Albums:

EXPOSE the "Great Whore Babylon Egypt Moon goddess" -- 666

Notice : Virgin Mary was a woman on earth and now is a big angel in Heaven. Virgin Mary is never a religion. You can pray Rosary in her name, but you can not worship any man-made Virgin Mary idols!!
This Album is about to EXPOSE : *** Mark of the Beast 666 is "Babylon the Great", made up by triple 6: 6 -- communist party, liberal-democratic Anti commandments people and beliefs. 6 -- Roman Catholic Idolatry teachings on worshiping Idol Virgin Mary + leader Pope Francis 6 -- Church of Moon goddess ISIS, Islam Quran + leader Barack Obama *** EXPOSE on all wickedness, false prophets, and demonic spirit possessions

Feb 13th 2018 :
  • Catholic Mary is the IDOL goddess, who is controlled by demonic spirit possessions.
Catholic church is the church that blaspheme the real Virgin Mary, the mother of the flesh body of Son of God.
Catholic Idolatry teaching is : go to Lord Jesus Christ through his mother Mary.
The reality is Catholic Mary is not the real Mary, and the real Virgin Mary has no ability to lead anyone to Heaven and Jesus Christ. For anyone who wants to contact Lord Jesus Christ, must call his name directly, and must not go through any 3rd media in between.
Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom, all faithful believers are brides of Christ. When you marry, you marry to your husband directly. You do not marry his mother, and through his mother to marry your husband.
All beautiful titles on Catholic Mary are meaningless, because they are all man made titles, not from God's promises. They are Fake titles.
Virgin Mary is never "queen of peace" and there is no such a title called "queen of peace" .
Because Jesus Christ is the "Prince of Peace", that is why human made her a name called "queen of peace".
  • The Catholic Antichrist cross is the Reverse Cross, upside down. Upper is longer than the lower part.
  • Muhammud is the false prophet. Quran was copied from all Hebrew scriptures, a make-up writing based on plagiarism.
  • The last chapter of Deuteronomy was not written by Moses himself. The only possible writter is the next anointed high priest Joshua.

Feb 15th 2018
Feb 24th 2018
Feb 26th 2018
Feb 28th 2018 : For sure, islam Muhammad read holy bible 1400 years ago, and he did not understand it.
Blocking is the only way wicked ones can do. Looks like the wicked one is Facebook itself ☻☻☻

Mar 1st 2018
Mar 2nd 2018 : Muslims saying jesus Christ let Muhammad come to Christians. Why Jesus Christ send an enemy on earth to deny himself as MESSIAH????
Mar 3ed 2018 :
There is nothing that can not happen on this earth, especially bad things. HUMANITIES are the MOST CLOSE livings to HELL.
There are many Islam and Christianity debate groups on Facebook and other social medias. However!! There is no such thing called 'debate' between Christianity and Islam. Just as there is no discussion between Jesus Christ and the enemy. God do not need negotiations with any one in Heaven and on Earth!!
At the beginning, you can discuss your questions, but at the end you must choose which side you are in: Jesus Christ or the enemy.
For anyone who block the truth from Jesus Christ, must be on the enemy's side. The difference between Jesus Christ and his enemy is the difference between Heaven and Hell.
There is nothing that can not happen on Earth, especially bad things. For you do not know what could happen to you tomorrow : A person can suffer death and go into hell or a business going into end and disappeared from the market, just as 2008.
Mar 15th 2018
Mar 16th 2018
Mar 17th 2018
Mar 20th 2018

Apr 12th 2018
Apr 15th 2018
Apr 17th 2018 : Antichrist government "New world order" will come out from Freemason.
Apr 25th 2018
May 15th 2018
Jun 8th 2018
Jun 16th 2018

Creation of Heaven and Earth = Salvation

The reason for human beings as humanity is to Cultivate Falun Dafa; The reason for practice Falun Dafa is to go back to the original home in universe.
Oct 29th - Nov 3rd 2017 :
  • The Creation of Heaven and Earth by God Almighty is a small part on the lowest level in our big universe.
  • Rock = The most microscopic & origin substance , called Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
  • Yang and Yin application examples
  • Human society cultivation is all about to get rid of all attachments
  • All history cultivations are all to cultivate assistant soul, not you. Only Falun Dafa cultivate your true self. From Now on, please call the Lord,our coming King in his Heaven name: Yahushua Ha Mashiach
  • 三界的外围有锁。只进不出。只有修炼法轮大法才能真正修炼三界内的生命,修主元神,出三界,回归宇宙。
  • 伏羲先天太极中讲,乾代表天,父亲,头,马,阳刚。 圣经中讲,耶稣基督是神,是教会的头,是丈夫,众生的父亲,耶稣是在马槽中出生的,就代表了马。 与先天太极的认识完全一致。 太极,八卦,洛书,河图,易经都是史前历史留下来,留到本次历史的人类文明。在5000年之前的人类历史中,当时的东方人知道有神和创世主的知识。但是本次人类文明,神创世的内容只给了西方世界,在摩西5经中。同样,耶稣基督的救赎在2000的历史中只有西方人知道并受益。 西方世界的白人都知道,只要向耶稣基督忏悔,神就会原谅赦免人的罪过,耶稣会替人还业力。 但是东方人没有这个优惠政策。 是完全的业力轮报。 谁做的坏事谁自己偿还。 这世还不了,下世接着还债。 怎样做恶,就怎样同样的遭报应,业力也想信用卡一样,不及时还清,就债滚债不断增加。 佛教中也没有神会像耶稣基督一样替东方人偿还业力。 所以,到了末世时期,当耶稣基督的大法洪传世界时,神首先给了东方人。 让东方人先受益,以中文传真善忍的宇宙真理。 这就是公平的。 所以中国人要珍惜。
  • 对于开天目,最重要的是通道要打通。通道不打通, 不存在有没有眼睛的问题。 只有通道被师父打通,才会给下眼睛。 对真正修炼大法的修炼者,天目人人给开,这条通道人人给打通,通道开了才会有玄关设位,才会有元婴的出生。但是,通道开不等于能用天目看东西。 因为天眼是闭着的。
  • 佛教中对法轮的说法与法轮大法的法轮图形不完全一样,这是很正常的现象。因为法轮大法也包括了道家和气门功法的修炼内容,是概括全宇宙的法,不只局限在佛家世界,更不会局限于佛教的范畴内。 但是,历史留下的预言就是指的现在,法轮大法就是法轮王--创世主--耶稣基督-神通过使徒李洪志师父所传的宇宙大法。
  • “三花聚顶" -- "3 flowers atop the head", "婴孩” --cherubs
  • Many Chinese practitioners who live inside china are actrully from the Western World, means their master souls are from Buddha world, maybe white or black
  • When God Almighty created Heaven and Earth, many higher livings, big angles flying down into the 3 Realms
  • "元婴“+透明气泡-- the Cultivated Infant+the Mysterious Pass-the white clear bubble : When a person's master soul is from the East world such as Chinese, he/she will see the Cultivated Infant has the image of a Chinese baby; If a person from Western world, he/she will see his/her Cultivated Infant looks like a white/black baby
Jan 28th & 29th 2018 :
  • Father God Yahweh within 《Zhuan.Fa.Lun》 ...The High-level Master is God Yahweh. ..not master li.......The High-level Master is the same Master for all 84000 cultivation ways within Buddha School.....Master Li is the master only for Falun Dafa cultivation way... 《转法轮》中的神创世主...... 上师在睡梦中给灌顶, 上师不是李洪志师父,而是以耶稣基督形象出现的父神--上帝。 上师是所有佛家84000法门弟子共同的师父,李洪志师父只是 法轮大法 这一法门的师父。(转法轮 第4章 灌顶 / chapter 4 Guanding.)
  • Disrespect the Image picture of Master Li Hongzhi is the worst thing as a human. Because, especially within China, most of time it is Father God Yahweh 's Law-Body takes care of this Image. In history, God is invisible and did not left any image to Israel jews, but in the New Era, Father God has his Image for humanities. He takes Master Li 's Image as HIS own. Master Li Hongzhi is still a Tao master. 为什么敬师敬法 是个十分严肃的话题?? 因为师父照片上的法身很多时候是上帝神的法身在管理。尤其是中国大陆出的书,坐在彩虹圈里的是创世主的法身。圣经中讲 真对 神 的不敬是!唯一!不可被赦免的罪过。 因为历史中已经安排了对大法的迫害,所以中国人不知道自己迫害的是 上帝神 反而是好事。知道了,还要去迫害,就没有救人这个话题了。谁迫害,谁就直接被销毁。中国人都参与其中,没制止迫害,也不用三退,直接上审判台就好了。( 转法轮 开光 Zhuan.Fa.Lun chapter 5, Consecration )
  • 使徒保罗处理大蛇的功力是非常厉害的 与 神 的大能相同。 美国是明朝 的转世。圣经中把原住民翻译成 土人,这里翻译的很好。 川普就是个 土人,五行属 阴土。 " 转法轮 第5章 法身 "。。。。。.USA is the reincarnation of Ming dynesty...... The way Master Li destroy the snake possessions is the same mighty as God the Creator, recorded as in Act 28:5 , because he is already a god sent by Father God Yahweh . .........."Zhuan.Fa.Lun, ch5, Fa Shen "
Feb 4th 2018 :
Bodhidharma crossed rive on a stalk of reed & Jesus walked on the sea.......... Both done by Supernatural Ability....达摩一根芦苇渡江 与 耶稣在海面上行走 都属于 功能的运用.......... (Zhuan.Fa.Lun chapter 7 Jealousy // 转法轮 第7章 妒忌心)
Feb 6th 2018 :
For those left behind ones : during tribulation, please put on your ARMer OF GOD for full protection . To study Zhuan.Fa.Lun in group can help you improve in spirit and reduce sins. Each week's group meeting time , requested by Master Li Hongzhi is Friday night. It is the same time period as Jewish Sabbath day. In Toronto, many practitioners study at this location on Friday night and Saturday afternoon before sundown.
The address is on Midland ave. Midland is the middle center of the land, which is China. China is the center of the Earth. The center ave in the PYRAMID!!
The bus number on Midland Ave is 57.
1 John 5:7 is the Gospel of God, preached by Apostle Paul, which is Zhuan.Fa.Lun. Within this book, you can meet the Wisdom from Father God Yahweh and Mother God Ruach HaKodesh.
At North, from kingdom of Israel, you have the Chief Shepherd Jesus Christ.
At South, from kingdom of Judah, you have the comforter, sent from Father God, Apostle Paul, to help you walk on a progress improvement way to above.
By having both, you can walk on the super fast highway 401 Express towards Kingdom of God of Heaven.

Feb 9th 2018 :
When you read a physical book, please do not mark or write on the book. There is no request from bible, but there is request from Falun Dafa cultivation.
Feb 10th 2018 : Zhuan.Fa.Lun chapter 8 The Cosmic Orbit, talks about how RAPTURE could happen..... it is a beginner level ability......《转法轮》第8讲 周天 中讲的 "白日飞升" 就是 "被提".
Feb 19th 2018 : Master Li Hongzhi and Zhen Shan Ren in the old testament
Feb 24th 2018
Feb 26th 2018
Mar 2nd 2018
Mar 3rd 2018
Mar 9th 2018
Mar 14th 2018
Mar 15th 2018 : Chinese lunar calender and Hebrew calender totally match in 2018
Mar 17th 2018
Mar 25th 2018
Apr 29 2018 : 新唐人有厨技大赛,目的就是帮中国人学会养生之道。帮助人体修炼。
Jul 28th 2018 :
Nov 2nd 2018

How "Lamb/Sheep" cultivate themselves? Will guide "Saints" too!

Written by Master Li, Hongzhi
Master Li, Hongzhi's birthday is May 13th 1951. 5 &13
  • Revelation 5:13 And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: "Blessing and honor and glory and power Be to Him who sits on the throne, And to the Lamb, forever and ever!" /5:13我又听见,在天上,地上,地底下,沧海里,和天地间一切所有被造之物,都说,但愿颂赞,尊贵,荣耀,权势,都归给坐宝座的和羔羊,直到永永远远
Feb 17th 2017
Nov 4th 2017
  • Apostle Paul of the Gentiles, wants you all read <Zhuan Fa Lun>, especially religious people.
  • When higher livings came down from different levels of the universe and born on Earth, they used to be One soul in a higer level. But they had to be divided into 2 at the lower level, because that is the requirments at lower level universe. Such as on Earth, a human can not begat baby by himself or herself along, there must be 2 persons to unify as one.
God and Holy Spirit is One but in 2 forms. On Earth, there is no such thing as :1 person in 2 forms. It must be 2 independent persons.