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There are many Christians have the gift to receive message from Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit or Father God.  
There are also many good channels. Here are some links. NA  NA

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Prophecy given to Deborah Waldron Fry in 2018

The name "Deborah" is also my name. I was Deborah in Book of Judge chapter 5. Barak in the same chapter was the antichrist Barack Obama.

April ~ Dec 2018

Sister Barber's Youtube channel:
Julie, daughter of the King:
Dec 27th 2018 :
Daughter you will speak today to my children.
This is the appointed time of the END of DAYS. You are speaking to those with open ears and eyes. You are speaking to those who hear my voice and do my will. YOU ARE SPEAKING TO MY CALLED AND CHOSEN.. The BEAST stands before the multitudes ,He stands in plain sight yet many cant see him. He has gained much favor . He is loved by many. They will call him , master and MESSIAH.. They will follow him down the path of destruction. They will bow to him and question nothing he says.. He will be appointed King and ruler over all the nations of the world. DEATH is his comforter. HATE his friend. . He will cause many to be put to death.The Blood of the martyrs will cover the land and cry to me. . I have revealed his name to my Prophets and Messengers.They have been warning you of what is coming .
He knows who they are HE WILL HAVE THEM PUT TO DEATH TO SILENCE THEM. HE is the man called OBAMA. Behold , a great change is coming . Get your house in order . prepare for the BEAST and his decree. He is prepared to step forward now so all may worship him as HE IS. .
女儿, 今天你将要对我的孩子说这些话:这是末日的指定时间。你们正对那些打开耳朵和眼睛的人说话。你们正对那些倾听我的声音与履行我的意愿的人说话。你们正在与我召唤和拣选的人们讲话。。。。兽站在众人面前,他站在清晰的视线下,但很多人看不到他。他已经获得了很多欢迎。他被很多人热爱。他们会叫他 主人和 弥赛亚。。。他们会追随他坠落毁灭的道路上。他们会向他鞠躬并对他所说的毫无疑问。他会被指定为全世界所有国家的王和统治者。死亡是他的安慰。殉道者的血将覆盖这片土地并向我哭泣。我已经向我的先知和使者们透露了他的名字。他们已经警告过你们即将会来到的。他知道他们是谁。他将会把他们带入死亡让他们消声。他就是那个男人叫做 奥巴马。看呀,一个巨大的改变就要到来。把你的房子整理好。为兽和他的法令的到来准备好。他正在准备走向前,为了让所有人都膜拜他。
Dec 2nd 2018 :
中文翻译: 2019年是审判之年。但是,就像2018年是准备的时期一样,我将把这个时期延长到2019年初。很多人说这一年(2018)将不会为审判而拖延,但是,看吧他们都错了。 难道我没有说过2018是为我的新娘做准备的时期吗? 难道我没有说过即将到来的判决会有延迟吗?你们和北朝鲜开战了吗,就像很多人预言的?核武有降落在美国或以色列了吗?特朗普有被赶出办公室吗?我告诉你们,不,这些事情没有发生,因为审判已经被延后到这个时间点了。
你们问 ‘加州的火灾如何,或者北卡的飓风,或者阿拉斯加最近的7级地震....... 这些不是审判吗?’ 我最亲爱的,这些生产阵痛的震动正变得越来越频繁。这些被允许发生为了唤醒人们回归父亲! 是为了让人们从沉睡和妥协中苏醒。他们为即将来到的感到震惊。 在对我所创造的我伟大的爱与慈悲中,我等待着直到最后一分钟去毁灭大量的邪恶。直到最后一分钟,我允许邪恶之人活着,以期待他们会转向我。是因为我的慈悲我才这样做,因为我期盼没人会被销毁,或 在没有我的光明与真理中永生。
难道你们不明白我为我的孩子们感到如何悲伤吗?哪些身为父母的一定明白当他们的孩子叛逆并在面前甩门的痛苦。这个悲伤是真切的和痛苦的! 现在我将告诉你们下一年的情况。准备的时机将会前进至这一年的第一部分。希望,我真正的,成圣的人将继续做好准备。我会指导他们应该做的方面。如果你们不知道,那就请弯曲膝盖请示我,以一个懊悔,谦卑和忏悔的心..... 真诚的向我哭诉,我也会真诚的展示给你并引领你。 这些2018年的生产阵痛将会会快的转成强烈宫缩。海浪会咆哮,风会踢起来,龙卷风也会来......地震和飓风都会增加。
战争和战争的谣言,停电和黑暗,动荡和谋杀。很多城市的街道会被暴力和留学填满, 如同生产阵痛伴随着我的审判。 对那些已经阅读和聆听我的真先知们的,你们自己已经准备好了吗? 我为这个季节发出警告。 对那些不听的,将不会有借口,因为我已经警告过我所爱的人们了。 2019 将是一个过渡年因为生产阵痛上升至沉重的审判。他将会是一个 审判之年 和 忏悔之年。很多人会从沉睡中醒来。我会挪开他们眼中的尺度,他们将会在灵中看的清楚。这个时期已经来了。从2018开始的拖延已经过去了。”
(Then I heard this words of what is coming): (然后我听到了这些将要发生的词汇): dangerous / 危险 severe / 严峻 helpless /无助 wandering / 飘荡 lonely /孤独 destitute / 穷困 despair / 绝望 out of their comfort zone / 超出舒适范围 darkness / 黑暗
(Then I heard this for HIS TRUE CHILDREN): (然后我听到来自神的真正的孩子们): dependent on ME / 依靠我 fruitful / 丰富果实的 love and faithfulness / 爱与信任 prayerful / 祈祷的 thankful /感谢的 mighty in strength / 强大的力量 sharing /分享 seeking truth / 寻找真相 helping / 帮助 quiet /安静 miracles and wonder / 奇迹与神奇 holding onto truth / 坚守真相

Nov 29th 2018 :

Nov 27th 2018 :

Nov 25th 2018 :

Nov 21st 2018 :

Nov 16th 2018 :
很快狮子就会来到,他的吼叫会再次使事情归正。我是Aslan, 伟大的狮子!我会拯救我的王子们和公主们。
就像我之前说的那样,没有什么会再次相同 - 我会给你力量来快速适应你的新环境。

Nov 9th 2018 :

Nov 8th 2018 :

Nov 5th 2018 :

Oct 27th 2018 :
I am with my Lord Jesus Christ every moment

Oct 25th 2018 :
Oct 17th 2018 :
Worship the Lord is the power to overcome all. Always praise our Lord God Jesus Christ

Oct 15th 2018 :
Before the destruction fall on your head, it is better for yourself seek the right way. Before you find yourself been left on earth within destruction, it is better for you be save right now. Many people want to go to Heaven, but you are on the wrong way:
For example,there is no salvation in Islam or Allah. For Islam itself was built upon lies.
Also, father God will not pick you up to heaven and save you. Only his son is MESSIAH, can pick you up. If Jewish people keep away from Jesus Christ, you will see all destruction coming on you with no salvation even you calling God.
Also, if you keep pray to virgin Mary, and ask her to pray for you, you still will not go into Heaven. Because virgin Mary pray for you to be saved by her son, but you only ask Mary to pray for you and you just do not want to come to her son.
The answer is one. There is only 1 way can go to heaven which is Lord Jesus Christ. It is your choice to accept or not.

Oct 13th 2018 :

Oct 9th 2018 :
Oct 1st 2018 :
Same danger days in USA as in China in 1999.

Sep 29th 2018 :

Sep 27th 2018 :

Sep 22nd 2018 :
Sep 21st 2018 :

Aug 13th 2018 :
Jul 23rd 2018 :
Jul 20th 2018 :
Jul 16th 2018 :

Jun 25th 2018 :
太7:1 你们不要论断人,免得你们被论断。 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 太7:2 因为你们怎样论断人,也必怎样被论断;你们用什么量器量给人,也必用什么量器量给你们。 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 太7:3 为什么看见你弟兄眼中有刺,却不想自己眼中有梁木呢? And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 太7:4 你自己眼中有梁木,怎能对你弟兄说‘容我去掉你眼中的刺’呢? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 太7:5 你这假冒为善的人!先去掉自己眼中的梁木,然后才能看得清楚,去掉你弟兄眼中的刺。 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

大法弟子中现在还有很多人扮演一个“假冒为善的人“的角色。 眼睛看别人不顺眼,挑别人的毛病。比如,很多国外的大法弟子看习近平不顺眼,就想着把习近平搞下来,以为习近平下台中共的问题就解决了。
实际上,毛病根本不在人的本身,而在于问题的本身。 协调人的毛病不是因为人的本质,而是因为这个人披着一层叫做 业力+执着心 的外衣, 如果这个人把执着心修去了,人自然就没有毛病了。
美国大法弟子看习近平不顺眼,以为习近平要下台,中共就能解体,可是,如果现在习近平真的下台了,中共真的能解体吗? 中国是进入一个完美的国度,还是会像清朝末年一样的军阀割据+多国入侵的混乱局面呢?? 这些现实的问题大法弟子根本就不会想到。最多就说”让神来解决这些问题“, 可是,神不是早就已经派了一个人已经在解决中共要解体的问题了吗?神来解决中国混乱的问题,所以派习近平来管中国不是吗?
其实,人间的不公平在神那里都是公平的。 有的人在人间拥有的资源多,神管他要的回报也多。有的人拥有的资源少,甚至被迫害的失去了资源,就算什么都不做,损失的本身就是威德,是得到。
修炼的路每个人都不一样, 但是最终回了天国都是一样的。一个人的付出和得到都是成正比的。得到的多,付出也要多,得到少的人,付出也没那么大。很公平。

Jun 20th 2018 :
Die is a nature death, even without pains, is a good end of flesh life, if one can not be rapture.
The most painful death is through persecuation by the antichrist government.
It may happen in any nation, as long as this nation has antichrist chidlren of satan.
When the Rapture happens, all the righteous ones, the light and hope, the servants will gone into the clouds.
There will be no guide, no directions, no wisdoms on earth.
Then, the enemy Satan's children will take over this world to persecute those left behind baby-like children of God.
These babies include many Falun Dafa practitioners and lukewarm Chiristians.
Some elects are appointed to die.
For the last generation, when a soul reincarnates on this earth, the soul had been split in 2 parts or more.
The very elected ones have been split in at least 2 part. One become a Dafa practitioner, the other one become a Christian.
There are many Christians in western world are very faithful and diligent, work hard for the Lord.
They help the Lord called many souls been saved. Why some are very faith, and very outstanding?
Because their other half of life died in prison as a Dafa practitioner.
When a Dafa practitioner been persecuted to death and did no work, his/her other half of life will finish the work on earth.
When both part join together, it is one full soul and one full mission.
However, there are some practitioners immigrant out of China before the persecution started in 1999.
They learnt Falun Dafa outside of China, and never been persecuted inside China.
As well, their other half of life are Christians too in western nations.
Hence, when the Great Tribulation comes, these people will be the targets for the enemy.
The best result is both go into rapture. However, if both have been left behind, at least one probably be killed before the Lord's 2nd coming.
some are appointed to loss flesh body, but some are not.
Hence, if these left behind Dafa practitioners and christians put on the full armour of God, ready both Zhuan Falun and Holy Bible,
if they stand strong and help others to accomplish their missions, they may survivl during the Great Tribulation.
When the Rapture happens, some left behind Dafa practitioners and Christians may also die in a nature disaster death.
The rest will have works to do. For now on, the Lord will send angels to help those who will be left behind, and give them works to do.
First, is to lead them in groups. Everyone must a group to unify with others. Unity makes strong.
After the Rapture, Master Li Hongzhi will be released out from all bondages. He can then speak clearly on what happened on me from the very beginning till now.
Then, the rest left behind Dafa practitioners will believe in what I posted on my webside and facebook page since 2017.
At the end, please always remember to pray for righteousness and wisdom from our Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven.
正法前,大法弟子下世转生时,每个生命都是分体转世的。一半投胎要做大法弟子,另一半就去做了基督徒。 很多生命都是大法弟子的那一半转生在中国,而另一半转生在西方国家。
但是,有一部分人比较不同,大法子弟的一半和基督徒的一半都在西方社会。 很多中国大法弟子他们在1999年迫害前就已经移民到国外,从一开始就是在国外得法修炼的。
没有经历过中国的那部分,也不知道迫害在监狱里是什么样子的。 比如,国外的很多协调人都是直接在国外得法的,不是从中国得法后才出国的。
没有做完工作的,都是因为平时自己就不精进造成的,因为懒惰。根本原因是自私,为私。 只修炼自己,不去做工。凡事把自己的利益放第一位,不替别人着想。
从现在开始,神会安排天使给很多大法弟子安排到各个项目组里。如果你被安排了,就说明很有可能会被留下来。 请好好珍惜。只有团结才有赢过旧势力残存余党的力量。

Jun 16th 2018 :
Jun 6th 2018 :
Jun 4th 2018 :

Jun 2nd 2018 :

May 30th 2018 :
Stop laughing and think about yourselves.

Apr 29th 2018 :

Apr 27th 2018 :
Apr 16th 2018 :

Apr 15th 2018 :

Apr 10th 2018 :
STUPID is the nature of moon goddess called ISIS !!!

Apr 6th 2018 :
Mar 13th 2018 :
Mar 12th 2018 :

Mar 11th 2018 :
  • Moses Commandments is the law from God. It is not restrictions about 'persecution' by God, but the guide on how to SIN NOT. Because human eyes can not see karma and virtue, hence God give humanities the righteouse guide on how to stay in virtue and leave far away from karma. Modern education is an education totally built on flesh, without Spirit. It make people do not believe in Spirit, based on human eye can not see spirit/soul.
However, can not see does not mean do not exist!!!!
Human eye can not see heaven and hell, but both heaven and hell do exist.
Abortion is killing. Flower is not seed any more, but without the aliveness of the seed, it is impossible for the flower to be alive and grow up. It is same as human fetus. Fetus is the early stage of flower. Life already exists at the fetus stage.
Because western world know God commandments from 4000 years ago, hence abortion in western world is the transgressive sin, a sin of disobedience. Americans'sin is much bigger than eastern people's abortion.
If anyone suffering during this PASSOVER March 30th, you know you must question them if they ever had abortion before.
By the way, abortion is a sin mostly based on women, not men. It is women's job to keep baby born out. Plus, doctors doing abortions share the same sin as pre-mom.
If you know you do not want to have child, then you should stay away from pregnancy. If in any case you got pregnancy, you must begat baby out without killing, to avoid unnecessary sins.
  • For example, a woman got raped by a man, and got pregnancy. What should this woman Do??? To let the baby out or choose abortion??? The right way is the same, to begat this baby out.
Because of rape, it is this man sinned. He must received both punishment on earth and in hell. If this woman begat the baby. She is the victim for all time, without sins on her. However, if she choose abortion. She is both a victim and a sinner. Which means she suffers rape on earth, and suffer pains in hell because of abortion.
  • Do not use others' sin to punish yourself,. Do not let yourself sin the same sin, and suffer the same suffer in hell, because of others crime.
This is why a severe and righteousness human law is very necessary. It is not for punishing humanity, but for preventing from sins, to warn the severe warnings and keep human in virtue behavior.
(However, do not take Islam sharia law . Do not let enemy take advantage from you. The problem of Muslim sharia law is: it comes from Satan, not from Father God Yahweh )
  • Another example, at the beginning years of persecution on Falun Dafa in China. There are 18 female practitioners have been sent into a male prison in Da Lian city by Bo,Xilai. ALL of them got raped by many many male prisoners. One young practitioner got pregnancy from the raping. Herself become maddness, but the male baby was born out. Now he is a teenager. Why she did not choose abortion??? Because Falun Dafa teaches that abortion is killing, is a forbidden behavior by Dafa practitioners.
  • A severe human law is not for the purpose of punishing humanity. Why ???
Because it is the crime first, then the law applied.
Humanity can not judge on the crucialness on the law, while with the ignorance on the crime.
First is first, last is last. No conflict.
Mar 5th 2018 :
Feb 28th 2018 :
LORD Jesus christ ask everyone to share this message to All you know. Please do it now !!!

Feb 27th 2018 :
To all brides of Christ. Please listen this message. God never change. He is with us. Stand strong stillHallelu --Yah.

Feb 26th 2018 :

Feb 22nd 22018 :
Feb 18th 2018 :
Do not follow religion!!Do not follow virgin Mary!!!Do follow the only Messiah Jesus Christ DIRECTLY!!!!

Nov 19th 2017 :
帖前4:16 因为主必亲自从天降临,有呼叫的声音和天使长的声音,又有 神的号吹响;那在基督里死了的人必先复活。 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Nov 4th 2017 :
Daughter prophecy to all peoples nations and tongues. Destruction comes as the hand of God passes over the earth. I shall destroy every temple, wall, and tower that I did not direct man to build. Your women and children will be taken into captivity by those of the serpent’s seed. When you see these things come to pass you will know I am the Lord. There is no other. Men of the earth, you have allowed the serpent’s seed to infiltrate your governments, churches, and schools. The war that you have been speaking of has already started on the day of seven when the two towers built by men as an idol to himself was destroyed. The new shrine to the dead will be thrown down. When you see this you will know I am the Lord. There is no other. I shall cause ice to fall from the Heavens. When you see this you will know I am the Lord. There is no other. The prince to come will be honored and followed. Many of you will be thrown into jail. When you see this come to pass you will know I am the Lord. There is no other. My two Witnesses will speak My Word. I give them My authority to strike down any who interfere with My directive. When you see this come to pass you will know I am the Lord. There is no other. I shall direct them to strike the earth with plagues and in any manner they deem necessary to cause men to repent of the abominations I have seen with My own eyes. When you see this come to pass you will know I am the Lord. There is no other. I have given you, men of the Earth, every opportunity to come to Me. Be prepared, for the end draws closer. Will you be found on the Father’s side? Or will you be found bowing down to the beast?