About page "Divine Messages Highlight "

There are many prophetic messages from the Lord God and Holy Spirit need to be HIGHLIGHT.
I select some and put on this page. Please check other messages on page "Message From God Trinity".

Dec 5th : The Lord asks you NOT to trust any man & you need to eat the unleaven bread now!!

Transcript :
Have you prepared? Disaster is near. These are the perilous times that have been written about. Enemies surrounding you—many pretending to be friends. Do not slumber—stay alert and be wise as serpents. The devil is prowling for souls. His time is short and he knows it. Where are your wise men? I have opened their understanding and given them instructions like I have also done in the past. 你准备了吗? 灾难正临近。现在就是经文中写的危殆时刻。敌人围绕在你身边,很多人假装是朋友。不要(精神上)沉睡,要保持警惕,要如同蛇一样的精明。魔鬼正为寻找灵魂而四处徘徊。它的时间很短,他知道。智慧人你们在哪里?我已经打开了他们的智慧,并给予他们指示,如果我在历史中所做的一样。
A dictator is in your midst, a tyrant. Things are not what they appear. You must be ready for action and prepared for sudden destruction. Now more than any time in history, I tell you to be sober minded and trust no man. 独裁制,暴君就在你们中间。事实不是他们表现的那样。你们必须准备好行动并为突然来临的毁灭准备好。现在,比以往任何时期都重要,我告诉你们,你们必须要头脑清醒,不要相信任何人。
A final call to repentance while the restrainer remains. Pray your flight is not in winter. Many will flee in an attempt to escape oppression and the oppressor. Sudden destruction will surprise the unbelievers. Pray you are accounted worthy to escape. Confess your sins one to another and remember to break bread as I have taught you. Renew my covenant and live. Have faith and believe that I Am in control of all things. I love my children. 这是最好一次对忏悔的召唤,因为克制者还在人间。要祈祷你的飞行不发生在冬天。很多人会尝试逃跑,以远离迫害和迫害者。要祈祷你值得逃跑。要彼此承认自己的罪过,并像我教导你们的一样掰开饼。更新我的圣乐和生命。要有信念并相信我掌控一切。我爱我的孩子们。
Matthew/太26:26 他们吃的时候,耶稣拿起饼来,祝福,就擘开递给门徒,说:“你们拿着吃,这是我的身体。”And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. 太 26:27 又拿起杯来,祝谢了,递给他们,说:“你们都喝这个,And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; 太26:28 因为这是我立约的血,为多人流出来,使罪得赦。For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins . 太26:29 但我告诉你们:从今以后我不再喝这葡萄汁,直到我在我父的国里同你们喝新的那日子。” But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.
The dictator, the Tyrant is the antichrist Barack Obama. Obama's followers are everywhere among you, including your family members and friends. The Lord asks your to Trust NO man. You should always pray to the Lord ask the Lord who is the enemy among you and you never realize him/her. You should ask the Lord directly in your prayers, and you should listen the small voice deep in your heart. The betrayers can be everywhere, just besides you.
There are many many people working in the government are Obama's supporters, as you already seen in this election. They did evil works with Obama in the past, so they won't come back as a human. Obama's coming back will be very successful, because he has many supporters in the government and all the institutes. You must be ready for this situation!!!
If you do not know what is the meaning for Be Ready and how to Be Ready, you need to ask the Lord directly!!! And Read your Bible everyday!! Read a lot!!
This is the last days/weeks before the Rapture, and this is the last chance for you to Repent. If you trully repent now, you still can not marry the Lord as a bride because your repentance is too late. However, you still have chance to go into the Rapture as a wedding GUEST !!! Or, at least, if you are left behind, the Lord can guide you to flee into the wilderness or to a safety city!!! So you should always keep in Hope, to know the evil time is very short and the Lord will come back on earth as the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords very soon!!!!
Now you need to re-new the covernant and life in the Lord, expecially for Jews. You need to eat the unleaven bread and drink the grape juice as written in Matthew26. This is the time just before the Kingdom of God comes. 2000 years ago, in the last supper, Jesus Christ ate unleaven bread and drank grape juice with all the apostles. However, 300 years later, the Roman Catholic church changed this content to bread and wine. Bread has yeast, and wine has alcohol. This is the distortion and corruption man-made by religion!! Yeast means the Pharisees and alcohol means hell!!! This is the great sin coming out of Roman Catholic church who is leading people to go astray!! At the End Age, the Beast coming out of Earth in Revelation is from Roman Catholic church, who is the False prophet Pope Francis as you already know. Hence, you need to read Bible and stick on the scriptures. If you do not understand the scriptures, you need to ask the Lord to baptise you by the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom.
Now, all, go home and made your unleaven bread and drink grape fruit tonight. You need to repent and pray to the Lord before you eat them. You do not need to ask the bread and fruit from any churches or bishops, you can prepare your own at home.

Review of the Prophetic Words given to Dr. Patricia Green in 2008 Election

The Lord gave this prophecy to Dr. Patricia Green in 2008, just before the presidency election between AntiChrist-Obama and Hilarious-Clinton. The timing the Lord gave these words is just for today, for this 2020 election. So, when you listen to this message, you are listen a totally new words just for NOW!!!
@0:25’ — 1:20'
Dr PG asked the Lord that is the Lord expecting her to vote for Barack Obama, a man who supports homosexuality and abortion? The Lord answered “ Child, I did not tell you to vote for him, I am telling you he will be the next president of united states.”
See?? Now you understand a much deeper meaning why the Lord saying so!! Even without any votes, Obama can still be the president. The Democracy Party never worried on how many people voting for them, they already have a very good cheating system called Dominion to work for their ballots.
The Lord continuing : “Barack Obama is the falsed-tongue devil……….My hand of judgement will come against your nation while he is president.”
12 years ago, when you say Barack Obama is an evil guy, a devil, propbably no one can agree with you, because people do not know about the real Obama. But for today, in 2020, everyone heard that Obama is the AntiChrist BEAST, no matter people want to believe it or not. And very soon, when you see the persecution coming, you will totally believe Obama is the devil and can find you to kill you with no mercy. You already know one supporter for Obama is the Antifa.
And now, Nov 2020, Obama is ready to be the next president of the Whore Babylon USA. As the Lord says Trump will be killed, then, the BEAST Obama will step up right away in this Dec, just before Christmas. And God's judgement will come to USA while Obama sits in the white house again, which is on the Rapture Day.
On April 17th, 2013, Dr PG dreamed a dream. In the dream, Dr PG and her husband is in North Carolina, driving towards the mountains, but blocked by police. Very soon, the great wave from the ocean hit the top of the mountain.
This dream is for the last days just before and on the Rapture Day. Scripture is Matthew 24:37~42. Just before the Rapture, we will live in days of Noah, without notice, the great flood comes on lands. Then, the Rapture happens, one person left the earth going to Heaven, and one left behind in the flood. This means, on the Rapture Day, 50% people will go into clouds, and 50% will be left on earth.
When Dr. PG is on street, she met police. The police means it is a tighten time such as martial law. It may caused by the murder of Trump. These police may work for Trump or work for Beast Obama.
In the 2nd dream, DrPG is standing on the beach of the east coast of USA. She saw a massive wave taller than buildings crashing on the beach and covers the whole land.
In a vision, Dr PG is walking side by side with the Lord Jesus, both of them are in the Clouds above the earth! Dr PG saw massive wave coming to her, but before the wave hits her, she has been lift up. So She is in the air and watches the wave covering the land. And Jesus speaking to her: “ These waves will hit the east coast. Warn the people to get out. This mighty wave will devastate coastal cities and will wash in lands for many miles… Florida will be devastated… Washinton DC will be under water … New York harbour will flood the city… In North Carolina, the water will come as far as the mountains.. The water will not go beyond the Appalachian mountains……… Millions of people will lose their lives…….”
There 3 messages are all for the Rapture Day. They are the same thing. The Tsunami will destroy all the East Coast of USA, from Florida to New York City. The Whole East Coast will under water, including Trump Tower and the White House. This is called the Judgement of God, because Obama is in the white house for this time. And you should run into the mountains now, not live in the cities on the coast.
On the Rapture Day, when the waves come, The Church will be raptured into clouds, just as Dr PG herself has been life up. We will walk on the clouds with the Lord together.
The Holy Spirit also gave Dr PG a message, saying America is about swift into a new season. First is a good season, then the devastation season follows. The good season is Trump's 1st term, which is finished now. Now, Nov 2020 is the beginning of the devastation season.
The devastation is a series, not just one, but many. The 1st devastation is from sky, which is the meteorites rain on the rapture day, and the nuclear bomb from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea,…..or other nations. The 2nd devastation is from the sea, which is the great tsunami. The 3rd devastation is from the earth, from the military of many other nations, from local antifa, chaos, civil war, from earthquakes, from Dam's break, from fire's burning,.……. This is called The Great Tribulation. This is the Judgement of God for those unrepentant ones and for the children of Satan.
The Lord saying at the end of the tribulation, America will humble herself and decrease. Israel will increase. At the end of the age, there will be no greater nation than Israel.
The End Age Israel is China. China is the East Israel, the reincarnation of the ancient North Kingdom of Samaria/Israel. China will rise up as a strong nation. You can see China's economy is down to the bottom right now. It is true but not the worst of all. The worst of all will be in America, for all the enemies will come to fight Americans. All the buildings are gone, burned, destroyed, in water, no more. The land is gone under water, huge population decrease, destruction is everywhere, and there is no more chance to rebuild this nation because the land is under water………. Comparing with a primitive land, you will say China is a strong nation. China will also suffer the great flood on the Long-river region, but also has many parts reserved. Most importantly, on the Rapture Day, all Chinese people will see the Truth of Falun Dafa and begin to accept and learn Falun Dafa, hence, Chinese people will be strong in the spirit.
Also, there will be a famine time. People should save as much food as you can. Part of this already fulfilled, you all see the food shortage at the beginning of this year. However the cut off of food supply has not come yet. It will happen after the Rapture. Because half of the population flying to Heaven, on earth, the economy will stop. You will see the store is not open anymore. Even you have cash in hands, you won't be go into the grocery stores. As well, on streets are the Antifa and martial law police, you will be feared to walk on streets or you will be arrested into FEMA camp. So, you need to store food for now.
The Lord also gave an example, which is the 7 years famine of Joseph's age. Jacob's 11th son Joseph is the same Joseph as virgin Mary's husband, who is the reincarnation of Master Li, Hongzhi. And Master Li, Hongzhi is also the reincarnation of Zerubbabel who built the 2nd Temple of God together with the High Priest Joshua in history. (Zechariah 4)The High Priest Joshua is Donald Trump. Master Li, Hongzhi is bonded as Apostle Paul says, he can not speak too much words during the good season. However, his bondage will be released on the Rapture day. After the Rapture, once the Great Tribulation comes, Master Li Hongzhi can speak clearly on everything and do many works for the earth. Master Li Hongzhi is also the reincarnation of the 1st president of America George Washington. In this life, at the very end days, he will help American people to defeat the enemy and to rebuild the new America. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes back on earth, Master Li Hongzhi will sit in the 3rd Temple of God, together with Jesus Christ and the Spirit as the New Creator 3 in1.
The Lord shows Dr PG the future map of America. The Lord will build refuge cities for the rest American people. So you need to come closely to the Lord, deep into your spirit, call the name Jesus Christ, talk to the Lord and the Lord will speak to you back. Hence, during the difficult days, you will know what you should do.

Nov 19th 2020 : Be Rapture Ready!! We are about to fly into Clouds !!

We are in the Rapture Season. Rapture means "Day of Christ/ Day of Salvation" in the New Testament by Apostle Paul. If you never read these scriptures you should do research.
The Rapture time is at Night in the Western World, during this Christmas Season, the end of 2020.
If you repent now, you may not be married to the Lord as one bride, but You still can fly to Heaven to join the Lamb's Marriage as a Guest. So, do not loss hope, but Repent Today.
Do not be as a foolish virgin out of the 10. But be as a smart virgin with oil in the Lamp. The Oil is the baptise by the Holy Spirit. Read Matthew 25:1~13.
Revelation 19:7-9
“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready.
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints. And he saith unto me, 'Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.' And he saith unto me, 'These are the true sayings of God.'”
Transcript :
“The coming Apocalypse, the coming Apocalypse, the coming Apocalypse,
The Bride has made herself ready. Blessed are those invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. At midnight a cry will be heard. The Bridegroom is coming! Go out to meet Him!
Are your lamps trimmed? The Bridegroom is coming! Be of good cheer it is time! Be encouraged!
Do not fear. All Scripture must be fulfilled.
Are your garments spotless?
Blessed are those invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!”

Message on Jan 19th, 2019

This is for America! Repent All Americans!!!

Prepare! A major earthquake is coming to your city, to your nation, to your people! Sudden destruction! Prepare! The land will be laid to waste, unrecognizable. Chaos will ensue. The land will shake. You will shake. You have been warned! Prepare! Chaos and riots in your city. Your government will take control of every aspect of your life. Martial law will be declared. You will live in a police state. Violators will be shot on sight. There will be no time for trials. Order will be established, dissidents removed. Prepare! Sudden destruction! Return to Me now! Repent!

“The Lord says... The Stone in My Hand is Judgment... With it I shall destroy the Nations!”

Message on Jan 16th, 2019

to ALL NATIONS, expecially Islam nations

Repent now! Accept Lord Jesus Christ as your Messiah now!

Daughter, speak now:
REPENT! REPENT!REPENT! you wicked, evil generation!
Your wickedness knows no bounds. Your lips ask forgiveness, but your actions do not show sorrow or grief for your sins. You stand before Me without a true, repentant heart. My wrath is kindled against you. You try to hide your sin from Me. I know your evil thoughts. I see everything! Nothing is hidden from Me! Every secret thing will be revealed.
My watchmen and messengers have warned you over and over. I will spare a remnant. Fire is coming upon the nations, upon those who mock and ridicule My words. There will be no mercy as My judgments fall upon you, and your nation.
Behold, the fire comes!
(翻译) 女儿, 现在讲话 :


Message on Jan 13th, 2019

"Beware the Evil Union of the false prophet and the Beast, Mr.Obama returens to power"

Transcript: Beware of the evil union of the false prophet and the beast. The false prophet leads many down the path of destruction and death. The people follow him without question and believe the lies of the centuries. Satan has captivated many; they are lost, refusing to believe My truth even after shown the error of their traditions and belief: Bowing down to worship statues of stone, calling men "father" and asking men for forgiveness. I died so you may have life, everlasting life. The beast would use these lies of tradition to massacre the multitudes. Blinded, they will take the mark I have told you and warned you about. They will say your messiah wants you to take this mark(Microchip RFID chip) and worship him as he is, the anti-christ, the beast. That is who he is, the anti-christ, the beast. Mr Obama returns to power to fulfill scripture. As it was written it will be done. (翻译) 要小心假先知(现任罗马天主教教皇方济各)和兽(奥巴马)的联盟。假先知领导很多人走向毁灭与死亡之路。跟随他的人们从不发问,并相信已有几个世纪的谎言。撒旦已迷惑了很多;他们迷失了,拒绝相信我的真理,即使在指示他们传统和信仰的错误之后:鞠躬崇拜石头的雕像,并称呼人为“父亲”,并要求人的宽恕。 我死了所以你会有生命,永恒的生命。兽会用谎言的传统去屠杀众人。盲目的,他们将会带上我已经告诉你及警告过你的兽印(植入人手里的微型晶片)。他们会说你的弥赛亚希望你带上这个印记并膜拜他,他是敌基督,兽。那就是他,敌基督,兽。奥巴马会回归权力以履行圣经内容。如同圣经上写的那样,将会被完成。

Message on Jan 12th, 2019 to Son of Man:

" Today's Time comes but Once"

Transcript: Speak now, SON of MAN. Speak of the season. Speak of My time. This is the season of grace, for in your weakness you have gained strength. Do not waiver! Do not waiver at this hour! Today’s time comes but once. Have you served Me or yourself? You asked forgiveness, but have you forgiven? You will stand in front of Me, and all questions will be answered. While there is still time, do unto others what you would have done unto you. (翻译)讲话吧,人子(地上的耶稣转世)。讲这个季节。讲我(天上的主耶稣基督)的时间。这是恩典的季节,因为你会在软弱中得到力量。不要放弃!不要在这个时间放弃!今天的时机来到了但只有一次。你已经为我服务了吗还是为你自己?你请求原谅,但你已经被原谅了吗?你将会站在我的面前,并且所有的提问你都要回答。现在还有时间,对他人做你想要被做在自己身上的事。

Message on Jan 9th, 2019 :


Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75H_5SpMS_Q
TRANSCRIPT: Daughter, speak these words I AM the Truth, the Everlasting Truth. Do you know Me or do you prosper in the lie? I have known you since the foundation when I formed you. I have called and chosen you. Time comes to an end, My time. Another time begins, the time of the beast. Many remain blinded by this world and can't see what is before them. Many have fallen away even with My messengers and prophets shouting My Words from the rooftops. The earth is quaking around them, the seas roaring, the earth sinking and swallowing... yet they run to the darkness not to the Light. They delight in darkness. My judgment is upon them, yet they remain asleep. If you seek the Truth, you will find it. If I lead you to the Knowledge, you will have the Wisdom. Call on Me now. Things are changing rapidly. Your King is Coming! Are you ready? Have you prepared? Before Abraham was born, I AM.
(中文翻译)女儿,讲这些话: 我是真理,永恒的真理。你知道我吗,或者你在谎言中壮大? 自从创世时塑造了你我就知道你。我已经召唤并选择了你。时间进入尾声, 我的时间。另一个时间开始了,兽的时间。很多人被这个世界蒙蔽着,看不到他们面前的是什么。很多人已经离开了即使我的信使和先知们站在屋顶上大声讲我的话。地球在他们的周围震动,大海咆哮着,地壳正下陷并吞噬着。。。。但他们依然跑向黑暗不是光明。他们喜欢黑暗。我的审判已经在他们身上,但他们依然保持沉睡。如果你寻找真理,你就会找到。如果我把你领向知识,你就会有智慧。现在就呼唤我。事件会急速的变化。你的王就要来了!!你准备好了吗??你已经准备好了吗? 在亚伯拉罕出生前,是我。

Message on Dec 27th, 2018:

Behold a Great Change is Coming !

Daughter you will speak today to my children. This is the appointed time of the END of DAYS. You are speaking to those with open ears and eyes. You are speaking to those who hear my voice and do my will. YOU ARE SPEAKING TO MY CALLED AND CHOSEN.. The BEAST stands before the multitudes ,He stands in plain sight yet many cant see him. He has gained much favor . He is loved by many. They will call him , master and MESSIAH.. They will follow him down the path of destruction. They will bow to him and question nothing he says.. He will be appointed King and ruler over all the nations of the world. DEATH is his comforter. HATE his friend. . He will cause many to be put to death.The Blood of the martyrs will cover the land and cry to me. . I have revealed his name to my Prophets and Messengers.They have been warning you of what is coming . He knows who they are HE WILL HAVE THEM PUT TO DEATH TO SILENCE THEM. HE is the man called OBAMA. Behold , a great change is coming . Get your house in order . prepare for the BEAST and his decree. He is prepared to step forward now so all may worship him as HE IS. . 女儿, 今天你将要对我的孩子说这些话:这是末日的指定时间。你们正对那些打开耳朵和眼睛的人说话。你们正对那些倾听我的声音与履行我的意愿的人说话。你们正在与我召唤和拣选的人们讲话。。。。兽站在众人面前,他站在清晰的视线下,但很多人看不到他。他已经获得了很多欢迎。他被很多人热爱。他们会叫他 主人和 弥赛亚。。。他们会追随他坠落毁灭的道路上。他们会向他鞠躬并对他所说的毫无疑问。他会被指定为全世界所有国家的王和统治者。死亡是他的安慰。殉道者的血将覆盖这片土地并向我哭泣。我已经向我的先知和使者们透露了他的名字。他们已经警告过你们即将会来到的。他知道他们是谁。他将会把他们带入死亡让他们消声。他就是那个男人叫做 奥巴马。看呀,一个巨大的改变就要到来。把你的房子整理好。为兽和他的法令的到来准备好。他正在准备走向前,为了让所有人都膜拜他。

Message on Dec 2nd, 2018 :

" 2019: a year of judgment & year of repentance "

Link : https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/lifeline/blog/2019-a-year-of-judgment-year-of-repentance
【中文翻译】 2019年是审判之年。但是,就像2018年是准备的时期一样,我将把这个时期延长到2019年初。很多人说这一年(2018)将不会为审判而拖延,但是,看吧他们都错了。 难道我没有说过2018是为我的新娘做准备的时期吗? 难道我没有说过即将到来的判决会有延迟吗?你们和北朝鲜开战了吗,就像很多人预言的?核武有降落在美国或以色列了吗?特朗普有被赶出办公室吗?我告诉你们,不,这些事情没有发生,因为审判已经被延后到这个时间点了。
你们问 ‘加州的火灾如何,或者北卡的飓风,或者阿拉斯加最近的7级地震....... 这些不是审判吗?’ 我最亲爱的,这些生产阵痛的震动正变得越来越频繁。这些被允许发生为了唤醒人们回归父亲! 是为了让人们从沉睡和妥协中苏醒。他们为即将来到的感到震惊。 在对我所创造的我伟大的爱与慈悲中,我等待着直到最后一分钟去毁灭大量的邪恶。直到最后一分钟,我允许邪恶之人活着,以期待他们会转向我。是因为我的慈悲我才这样做,因为我期盼没人会被销毁,或 在没有我的光明与真理中永生。
难道你们不明白我为我的孩子们感到如何悲伤吗?哪些身为父母的一定明白当他们的孩子叛逆并在面前甩门的痛苦。这个悲伤是真切的和痛苦的! 现在我将告诉你们下一年的情况。准备的时机将会前进至这一年的第一部分。希望,我真正的,成圣的人将继续做好准备。我会指导他们应该做的方面。如果你们不知道,那就请弯曲膝盖请示我,以一个懊悔,谦卑和忏悔的心..... 真诚的向我哭诉,我也会真诚的展示给你并引领你。 这些2018年的生产阵痛将会会快的转成强烈宫缩。海浪会咆哮,风会踢起来,龙卷风也会来......地震和飓风都会增加。
战争和战争的谣言,停电和黑暗,动荡和谋杀。很多城市的街道会被暴力和留学填满, 如同生产阵痛伴随着我的审判。 对那些已经阅读和聆听我的真先知们的,你们自己已经准备好了吗? 我为这个季节发出警告。 对那些不听的,将不会有借口,因为我已经警告过我所爱的人们了。 2019 将是一个过渡年因为生产阵痛上升至沉重的审判。他将会是一个 审判之年 和 忏悔之年。很多人会从沉睡中醒来。我会挪开他们眼中的尺度,他们将会在灵中看的清楚。这个时期已经来了。从2018开始的拖延已经过去了。”
(Then I heard this words of what is coming): (然后我听到了这些将要发生的词汇): dangerous / 危险 severe / 严峻 helpless /无助 wandering / 飘荡 lonely /孤独 destitute / 穷困 despair / 绝望 out of their comfort zone / 超出舒适范围 darkness / 黑暗
(Then I heard this for HIS TRUE CHILDREN): (然后我听到来自神的真正的孩子们): dependent on ME / 依靠我 fruitful / 丰富果实的 love and faithfulness / 爱与信任 prayerful / 祈祷的 thankful /感谢的 mighty in strength / 强大的力量 sharing /分享 seeking truth / 寻找真相 helping / 帮助 quiet /安静 miracles and wonder / 奇迹与神奇 holding onto truth / 坚守真相

Message received on Nov 25th, 2018

!!! 7 Judgements set for America

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_PmMJdKTcY
Message from LatterRain333 : https://latterrain333.wixsite.com/lifeline/blog/prophetic-message-7-judgments-set-for-america
Nahum 3: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=nahum+3&version=NIV


Message received on Nov 24th, 2018

#1 Sister Barber's link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hLzEoKYZNw
(This message is from Father God who is inside Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven, speak to The Man Jesus who is Joel Chipkar on earth. This message is given to FalunDafa practitioners and all faithful Christians. This is the season of harvesting, to harvest those lost souls into Heaven. )
Speak now, SON OF MAN(the Man Jesus),speak to the weary,speak to the restless,speak to the obedient. I(Jesus Christ in Heaven) bear witness to your good works. The path of righteousness is narrow, for many begin the journey but few finish it. Speak now, SON OF MAN(who is Joel Chipkar), speak of what you see.
”I see the vineyard overflowing with its fruit.. “
You see well son of man. This is the season of the harvest. They wait for the latter rain(Today Nov24th is full day rain in Toronto) for my appointed time draws close. While the storm clouds gather, it is the wise man who realizes that events must proceed in an order known only to me, for my time is perfect and my will shall be done. Do you not feel the breathe of my spirit, for it is I who offer everlasting life.
你看到的很准确。这就是丰收的季节。他们等待着后雨时节(今天11月24日多伦多下一整天雨),因为我所指定的时间更近了。当风暴云聚集的时候, 明智的人们会意识到事件将会按照只有我知道的顺序进行,因为我的时机是完美的,我的意愿将会被完成。难道你们没有感受到我的灵的呼吸吗,是我给予生命的永恒。

#2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7tKKCv5YxM
(RAPTURE will happen in Summer 2019. The Lord Jesus Christ will appear in the clouds, to pick up all BRIDES: Falun Dafa practitioners and faithful Christians. Just before the Rapture, there are many big signs happening on earth, which are big social events, such as: Obama steps up as a ruler against Trump, to preach Martial law and rest American citizens into FEMA camp; Many will be killed within FEMA camps; chaos and wars and fire will burn many cities; fake refugees from middle America and Muslims world will take control American government........ When you see these things happening, you know the Rapture is right in front of you.)

Daughter(Amy Zhao), you must speak this now . TIME is coming to an end.

My Words(Holy Bible)and my Truth(Falun Dafa Truth) must reach all people.
Many remain asleep. Many will perish. They see with their eyes yet they remain blind. They hear with their ears yet they are deaf.
When you see mother, father, husband and wife betray their own flesh and cause them to be put to death before your eyes.... When you see families arrested and taken to camps ... when you see your cities burning one by one without explanation .. when you see strangers taking control of your nation and your government. ... when many just sit back and watch evil ruling and do nothing. my time is here. It has already begun .When you see these things happening I AM COMING.FOR MY CALLED AND CHOSEN. BE READY!


当你们看到母亲,父亲,丈夫,妻子背叛他们自己的肉身,并导致他们在你们眼前走入死亡时。。。。当你们看到家庭被拘捕并被带入集中营时。。。。当你们看到城市一个接着一个的被烧毁而没有原因时。。。。当你们看到陌生人掌控了你们的国家和政府时。。。。当很多人只是沉默的看着邪恶统治并无动于衷时。。。。 我的时机就在这里了。一切已经开始。当你们看到这些开始发生时。我将要为我召唤和拣选的来到。做好准备!!
On the Same day the Lord gave this message, there is a big event happening in Taiwan among Falun Dafa practitioners. Over 5000 practitioners gathered together doing human typeset for the book 'ZhuanFalun English Version'. 來自台灣及世界各國五千多位的法輪功學員,週六(11/24)在台北自由廣場舉行排字活動,他們排出一本巨型的英文版轉法輪,從高空俯看,景象相當殊勝壯觀,讓許多遊客震撼不已 。

Important Message on Nov 21st, 2018: The Antichrist Beast Barack Obama's rising-up time is here now.

Message from Sister Barber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uWNl6Eiz6E

Daughter, speak theses words to my children:

Let this message travel the earth so all have understanding of the coming events. and no one can say they did not know . The BEASTS time has come.

Just as I have prepared for this hour with my chosen, with my watchman, messengers and prophets... gathering together teaching and instructing my army of LIGHT.... The adversary THE BEAST(Antichrist Barack Obama + Pope Francis) has done the same getting ready his army of DARKNESS.
They have been busy preparing the way for him. Everything is in place for planned events to unfold. He will close all of mans worship temples. He will remove all idols of Gods and Saints and replace them with his own IMAGE. He will remove and destroy the book of my WORDS because he knows my WORDS ARE POWER. MY WORDS ARE LIFE his words are death, MY WORDS are TRUTH, his words are LIES. He will rise to power in an unexpected way. . No man has understanding or knowledge of the event .
The prototype of his IMAGE has already been made by his servants .. You will be forced to bow and worship the BEAST You will have no choice but to agree to take his MARK(666) or you will face death.
His army will kill and torture your family if you refuse his MARK(666). If you take HIS MARK YOU WILL BELONG TO HIM FOR ETERNITY. .
Repent now and turn from all sin. READ MY WORDS AND LIVE.

(2018年11月21日 中文翻译)女儿, 对我的孩子们讲这些话:

让这个信息传遍整个地球,因此所有人都明白即将要发生的事情,并且没有人可以说自己不知情: 兽的时间到了!

他们一直都在非常忙碌的为兽(奥巴马的兴起)做准备。 一切做好了计划的事件已经准备就绪。它(兽奥巴马+罗马教皇方济各)将会关闭世人所有朝拜的寺庙教堂。它(兽奥巴马+罗马教皇方济各)将会移除所有神和圣徒的雕像,并换上自己的图像雕像。它(兽奥巴马+罗马教皇方济各)将会移除并销毁所有写有我的话的书籍(圣经),因为它知道我的话就是力量;我的话是生命,它的话是死亡;我的话是真理,它的话是谎言。它(兽奥巴马)将以意想不到的方式重新兴起。没人了解那些(准备好的即将发生的)事件。
Suggestion link/中文字幕:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKSWTXbGTkI

Nov 20th, 2018 LORD's words to Sister Clare: We Are in a War

Video :https://vimeo.com/302133247
Nov 21st video -- We are in a War!! https://www.heartdwellers.org/all-pdf-files-nov-2018.html

Message on Nov 16th, 2018

从现在开始一直到主耶稣基督的再来,人类会进入漫长的‘寒冬时节’, 更多的精神上的寒冬。主的再次回来是在被提之后,大概是2019年秋天。 所以这个‘寒冬’会有10个月左右的时长。很多人会变得越来越冷漠无情,最后成为邪恶的手足。但是还有良性的人类会不断寻找心灵中的光明当作避难所。这个避难所就是真善忍。 From right now till the Lord's 2nd coming, there will be a long period 'winter age'. The Lord will come after the Rapture and the Devastation period, which is fall 2019. In the following 10 months, many will be freezed in heart, but many will keep searching the Light to warm hearts. The Light of the World is Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

Message received on Nov 12th, 2018

Sister Barber's video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS6rW-zEuh0&t=12s

Daughter, speak these words:

Your King(Trump) has not been given power or authority by Me, King of Kings, to take the land I gave to My chosen and divide it.
Israel, Israel(China)... Jerusalem, Jerusalem.. the land I gave your father's is yours.
You are a stumbling block. King of Babylon(Trump) hear My words, you have not come before Me. You do not under Me. You have not learned the lessons of past. A house divided cannot stand. My house will not be divided by you. My land(China) will not be divided by you. I will divide your nation and your house. I will divide your people. My anger is kindled against you proud and arrogant. My breath is fire. My hands hold lightning. My feet break the earth into pieces with each step as I approach. Babylon(USA) your appointed king will seal your destruction. Babylon your land will quake and sink. Chaos and war is coming because you will not repent. Only the remnant will be spared.


Revelation/启17:9 智慧的心在此可以思想。那七头就是女人所坐的七座山, And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
启17:10 又是七位王;五位已经倾倒了,一位还在,一位还没有来到;他来的时候,必须暂时存留。 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
There are 7 kings, 5 had been past. One is still there, who is Barack Obama. The other one is not yet come. By the end of 2016, Trump was not yet come as the president. But when he comes, he will continue a short time, which means Trump‘s time as president is short. 奥巴马是第6王和即将来到的第8王。 川普是现在的第7王。
启17:11 那先前有、如今没有的兽,就是第八位;他也和那七位同列,并且归于沉沦。 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
The Beast (Barack Obama) that was, and is not (by 2017, 2018), will be the 8th King. And together with the past 7 will go into perdition. Trump himself will not go to perdition, but his kingdom, which is Babylon USA in 2017/2018 will be perished after the Rapture in 2019 and later. After the Rapture, Trump will come back from Heaven, and continue his work as the president. However, starting from that time, the King's age begin. Trump will work as the King, not president. Hence, as many prophecies said: "Obama will be the last president of USA."
川普执政时期的美国是“大淫妇巴比伦”,会在被提发生之后,跟着敌基督奥巴马一起走向毁灭。川普自己不会毁灭,因为他是上帝为美国选择的王。川普在任的时期很短暂,这段时期是为了让美国人民读圣经学会忏悔并准备被提去天国世界的。如果美国人(从2017~2019被提前)继续过像以前一样的拜金物质主义生活,不走向神,就是巴比伦大淫妇行为,就会走向毁灭。被提发生之后,川普从天上回人间,开启国王时代。川普会是美国的国王,不再是总统。也因此,敌基督奥巴马会是预言中的 “美国最后一任总统”。
Suggestion link: https://www.youtube.com/watch? 中文视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL2hVXeibsQ&index=188&list=PLNJryhVNqd18RBui2eOEBhjyXD6_Xxv5K&t=0s

Message from the Lord Yahushua/Jesus, Oct 14th 2018


(中文翻译)Yahushua 说:

11月初 加州大火 http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/tag/加州大火.html