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第三篇 The Mission on ‘the Spirit of Elijah ’ / 赵端的末世使命第三篇-the-mission-on-the-spirit-of-elijah-赵端的末世使命/10206740361108056/

第三篇 The Mission on ‘the Spirit of Elijah ’ / 赵端的末世使命让法轮大法弟子们知道自己真正的父亲或救赎主: 创世主 -- 耶和华让父亲耶和华在历史中留下的孩子们:天主教徒 -- 基督徒 -- 犹太教徒知道父亲在末世时期给予的教诲: 法轮大法Let Falun Dafa practitioners be aware of Who is the Creator: Yahushua HaMashiach —Jesus Christ.Let All children of God Almighty be aware of his End-Age Universal Law: Falun DafaThis is called “THE UNIVERSAL REVIVAL.”\“The End time role of Elijah, the spirit of Elijah, is to bring Father and Children together, a universal revival.” 神韵歌词Shen Yun 2017创世主耶和华只会把他的宇宙大法 -- 法轮佛法在末世时期交给他的先知洪传于世。人类历史上,创世主耶和华多次派使者,先知,仆人来到人间留下神的文化和教悔,那些都是真实的神的信息,只不过层次只局限于人类的标准,为了维护人类道德水准, 只救灵,不救肉身。 只有在末世时期,创世主耶和华才会传宇宙大法拯救大穹,重塑大穹于坏灭: 法轮大法,救度灵与肉身。请法轮大法弟子们不要敌对创世主耶和华在历史中留下的教诲 -- 圣经,及西方世界的众生。请西方宗教的信徒们不要不接受法轮大法。这是创世主耶和华的旨意,在末世时期,从[东方]洪传宇宙大法。The Creator of Heave and Earth, Yahushua HaMashiach, Almighty God, will ONLY give out his Universal Law and True Salvation on Both Spirit and Human Body at the END-AGE!! At the END-AGE, NOW!!!All history is for preparation for the END-AGE!! All religions from history is waiting for Now, for FalunDafa, the Real Universal Buddha Law from Yahushua HaMashiach — Jesus Christ !!All World, Please admit Falun Dafa as the True Words from The Creator Yahushua HaMashiach —Jesus Christ!!!All Falun Dafa practitioners, Please admit Yahushua HaMashiach —Jesus Christ as The Creator!!!Dafa is the Wisdom of the Creator, Yahushua HaMashiach —Jesus Christ !!大法是创世主耶和华的智慧!!‼️‼️‼️修炼人的共同疑惑李洪志师父在《佛法与佛教》 中讲:“我再从这一期人类文明说一说。你们知道吗,道是神的一种,佛也是神的一种,而耶和华和耶稣及圣玛利亚也是神的一种,是修炼的目标与证悟到的对宇宙大法认识的不同而得到的果位与外形的不同。”师父说的没有错,与我说的话没有矛盾:1 这篇文章是站在法的角度上去讲的,佛法与佛教,不是站在神的角度上去讲的。人类历史中所留下的所有法与宗教都是修炼的初级认识,是为了奠定文化基础,告诉人类 “什么是神与修炼?”的文化。并没有留下修炼本体的法。 西方社会对耶和华,耶稣的认识是神,创世主,虽然留下的圣经中的法理层次远远不如法轮大法,但是,那也是经过创世主圣灵许可的。圣灵只会把宇宙大法洪传于末世时期。2 大法弟子中很少人知道,在历史上,圣玛利亚是2 大法弟子中很少人知道,在历史上,圣玛利亚是肉身飞升。圣玛利亚生下耶稣,及其他很多个孩子,过正常人一样的生活,又经历过丧子,丧夫之痛,晚年时修炼结束,没有死在棺材里,而是带着肉身升天。。圣玛利亚生下耶稣,及其他很多个孩子,过正常人一样的生活,又经历过丧子,丧夫之痛,晚年时修炼结束,没有死在棺材里,而是带着肉身升天。这样的经历是不是与法轮大法的修炼很相似?带着肉身走???而玛利亚的神是圣灵 -- 圣父耶和华。这就是圣灵要留给西方世界的文化与预言,方便末世时期的西方世界众生能够找到可以带着肉身飞升的弥赛亚的大法。3 人类的历史对耶和华的定义是有差距的。 犹太人在走过5000年历史后,依然相信,耶和华是唯一的弥赛亚,救世主。基督徒相信圣经新约里的内容,耶稣基督才是创世主。西方人还有一个认识:圣灵的存在。圣灵Holy Spirit来自天外,来自真善忍之外,带着拯救大穹的洪愿进入真善忍之中。 圣灵同时住在圣父耶和华,圣子耶稣基督的身体之中,又用自己的灵造了圣玛丽亚。所以,西方世界对神God的认知是: 圣灵,圣父,圣子,3合1。 3 是代表神的数字。李洪志师父讲耶和华是神的一种,讲的是犹太教,师父从没说过住在耶和华身体内的圣灵不是创世主。李洪志师父也从来没有说过 “我李洪志就是创世主” 之类的话。看看神韵的歌词, 李洪志师父从来都是客观的讲真相,讲大法的救赎。犹太人与法轮大法弟子《圣经启示录》第15章中讲,得救的众生正在高兴的唱歌, 他们唱摩西的歌和羔羊的歌。启15:3 唱神仆人摩西的歌和羔羊的歌,说:“主神,全能者啊,你的作为大哉,奇哉!万世之王啊(“世”或作“国”),你的道途义哉,诚哉!15:3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.In <Book of Revelation> 15:3. All children who be saved are so happy and singing songs, Song of Moses and Song of the Lamb.摩西对应的是犹太教,犹太人。 犹太人的神是弥赛亚耶和华。羔羊对应的是法轮大法,被杀害的大法徒被称作羔羊,活着的叫做绵羊。Moses representing Judaism, Jewish people, whose God is Yahusha Messiah.The Lamb representing Falun Dafa, dead dafa practitioner be called Lamb, live ones be called sheep.摩西与羔羊是对等的。一个来自西以色列,一个来自东以色列(中国);一个是历史中留下的创世主的信徒,一个是末世出现的创世主的信徒。都在创世主的身体之中,朝拜同一个名字 -- 耶和华弥赛亚。Moses and The Lamb are EQUIVALENT!!One from West-Israel, one from East-Israel China; One are children of The Creator in history, one are children at the End-Age; Both are within the Body of Christ, and worship the same name — Yahushua Messiah.犹太人与大法弟子被视为得救的生命。但是,是有代价的,大法弟子付出了鲜血,有任务救度众生;同样,犹太人在历史中付出了同等的鲜血,在末世时期,也要做同样的任务 -- 救度众生,用法轮大法救度穆斯林信徒。Jewish and Dafa practitioners are automatically advanced as The Saved Ones. However, as we know, cost exists, you have to pay for on what you get. Dafa practitioners paid blood from 1999, huge, enormouse blood, millions, millions dead, by clarifying the TRUTH to Chinese people; the same, Jewish paid the same amount of blood through whole history, then, at the End-Age, Jews will have the same duty, to clarifying the TRUTH to Muslims, by using Falun Dafa to save your neighbours around Israel.创世主的智慧是无边的,只有从道家世界向外传大法,才会让穆斯林朝拜耶和华。 同时,对西方佛家世界所有3大教信徒都是公平的。Then, you all know the Wisdom from the Creator. Only if this Universal Law spread from EAST, the Tao-world, will be accepted by Muslim world. Because, Muslim will never become a Catholic, or a Christian, or a Jewish. If they can, they already were from thousand years ago.Then, you all understand why Yahushua-Jesus Christ-Messiah gives his Great Salvation to EAST. Only it comes from outside of Buddha world- West world, will be fairness enough for all His children from history. All humanity in EU, Africa, North and South America, will be treated the same level. YOU ALL THE SAME in front of Falun Dafa.This is one Shen Yun song from year 2011Written by Master Li, Hongzhipage 10, soprano, repent, sing a song, disappointment, HIS name, let Him hear my song……….