Original Post on Facebook April 15th 2017 : https://www.facebook.com/notes/258245892273591/

JESUS SAYS... Expect success, that is out of your League 耶稣说...期待联盟成功Amy Zhao·Last edited April 15, 2017·7 minute readSavedJESUS SAYS... Expect success, that is out of your League 耶稣说...期待联盟成功Jesus says... I am asking you to expect success that is out of your league 耶稣说... 我要求你期待你的联盟成功April 10th, 2017 - Words from Jesus to Sister ClareSpoken by Jackiehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEq5v9uabkQClare began... Jesus, what is on Your heart tonight?Clare 开始.... 耶稣,今晚你的心里想什么?Jesus answered... "That if all goes well, we will soon be out of the danger zone. The media is trying to paint a picture of doom and gloom, but some people are actually waking up and seeing for themselves that there is a man in the White House, a real man. Someone willing to take responsibility and act appropriately. Not just a PR job, which is what has robbed this nation of her integrity and reputation. But a man who has caught an understanding of what this nation is all about. He is a visionary in the true sense of the word." 耶稣回答... “如果一切顺利,我们很快就会走出危险区域。媒体试图描述出一个毁灭与忧愁的画面,但是很多人已经开始惊醒,意识到在白宫里有一个人,一个真正的人。愿意承担责任落实合适的行动。不是一个已经洗劫过了这个国家的诚信与声誉的公关工作。而是一个真正了解这个国家本质的人。他是一个对这个世界有真实视觉的人。”And I looked up visionary, even though I kinda knew what it meant: a person thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom. "A visionary leader." synonyms: inspired, imaginative, creative, inventive, ingenious, enterprising, innovative. 我看起来有远见,即使我知道那是什么意思: 一个对未来有想象力,智慧和计划的人。 “有远见的领导者。” 同义词:灵感,想象力,创造力,发明力,巧思,领导力,创新。"Yes, he truly is all of those things. And you are, too, My love. You just don’t dream big enough." “是的,他真的有所有的特点。你也一样,我的爱。你只是没有梦想更多。”Oh. 哦"You look to yourself too much, rather than envisioning what I can do through you. For instance, you have an attitude of struggling with your music. I wish for you to have an attitude that says, 'Every time I play the piano something new, beautiful and inspired for others, comes out.' If you had this attitude, you wouldn’t see it so much as a threatening challenge everyone else can do but not you. You count too much on your lack of skill and experience, when you should be counting on Me to surprise you." “你的态度是太多的看着自己了, 而不是看到我可以通过你所能做的。 比如,你对你的音乐有很挣扎的态度。我希望你的态度是,‘每次我弹钢琴弹新的东西,启发别人的美好灵感会蹦出来。’ 如果你有这样的态度, 你不会有别人能做到但你不会做到的威胁性挑战。你注重太多在你的没有经验与技能上,你应该注重在我可以惊喜你之上。”I’m almost afraid to be given these wonderful melodies, Jesus, and never go anywhere with them. I want to finish songs, Lord. And that's true, guys. I'll sit down to the piano and a beautiful melody will come out and the words will come with it - and I get so wrapped up in that I never finish it. I can't tell you how many songs I have that are started, but that I haven't finished yet. Because I don't have the skill on the piano and that's, of course, what we're working on. 我几乎会害怕得到这些美妙的旋律,耶稣,永远都不要带着他们。我想要完成歌曲,主。那是真的。当我坐在钢琴前,一个美妙的旋律与歌词会跑出来,当我无法完成它时我会感到被包起来。我无法告诉你有多少歌会有一个开始,但是我却无法完成它们。因为我没有钢琴的技术,当然,那正是我们正在努力之中的。"We are working on that, don’t lose the joy of playing, experimenting, letting go. I enjoy that very much. You don’t have to be always singing a holy message, you can play for the joy of it and I will STILL touch hearts. Isn’t that amazing?" “我们正在努力,不要丢失玩耍的快乐,实验,放手。我非常享受它们。你不需要总是唱圣歌,你可以为了喜悦而玩,我可以依然触动人心。那不是很神奇吗?”Yes, it is! 是的!"Then don’t be afraid to put out instrumentals. They count, too. I know you are bemoaning the lateness of time and that you haven't been able to work with your music tonight, but please accept that some days are like that and it can’t be helped. Just make sure you don’t waste time that I gave you for music. Right now you are challenged with getting things workable with your equipment, but when you are done, everything will run smooth and seamless." “那么不要害怕拿出乐器。它们也算。我知道你哀叹你的时间已经晚了,今晚你不能玩你的音乐,但是请接受有时会出现这样的情况,也没有办法。现在你处于让你乐器可行的挑战之中,当时当你完成后,一切会顺利无缝隙。”'Lord, would you please give me the gift of humming or singing spontaneously to a melody? Or even spontaneously around the house? It seems to me that there is a block in the way of me vocalizing. Why am I always so quiet?'And even when I was studying vocalizing and getting your vocal chords in order, I still had a hard time remembering to open my mouth and practice. ‘主,你可以给我共鸣或随着旋律自行歌唱的礼物吗? 或者在房子里产生的共鸣? 看上去我的声音似乎有阻碍。为什么我总是这么小声?’ 甚至当我学习声乐时,让声带就绪, 我依然有一个艰难的时期要记住张开嘴或练习。And the Lord said... "And is this what you want?" 主说... "那是你想要的吗?”I really do! 我非常想!"Then it is yours. Just begin to manifest it. Have Ezekiel lay hands on you for that. I will anoint you through his hands." “那么就是你的。 那就开始展现出来吧。让以西结把手放你的手上。 我会通过他的手涂膏于你。”Now? 是现在吗?"If you wish." “如果你希望”I do! (So I went and had Ezekiel pray for me.) 是的。(所以我去让以西结为我祈祷)Thank You Lord. 谢谢你主。"Getting back to what we were discussing, I have a problem with My people. They are not believing Me for the anointing and talent to carry out My will for them. I have so much I want to do with every single one, yet they’ve been conditioned to stay in the box and not peek out - let alone climb out. Yet the rope of grace is continually before them; all they need to do is ask in faith and it will be done for them." “回到我们正在讨论的事情上,我对我的人民有一个问题。他们不相信我会涂抹膏油于他们,及给他们才华来实现我对他们的愿望。我对每一个人都有很多我想要做的事情,他们持续躺在盒子里不愿意偷看-更别提爬出去了。 恩典的绳索一直在他们的面前,他们只需要做的是用信念来请求,一切会为他们做好。”"That phrase you read today that stuck with you, what did it say?" “今天你读到的卡住了你的片段,都说了什么?”It said... 'What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” Wow!!!! That opens up a whole new dimension, Lord.' 它说.. "如果你知道你可以,不会失败,你会尝试要做什么?” 哇!!! 那打开了一个全新的空间,主。”"Yes, it does. Believe Me for the impossible." “是的,确实是。相信我没有不可能的。”Lord, I love what I’m doing. I just want to be better at it. 主,我爱我正在做的事情。我只是想要更好一些。"And that’s the point... when was the last time you asked Me to make you a better shepherdess?" “那是要点.... 上一次是什么时候你要求我让你成为更好的牧羊人?”Ummm…a few days ago? 嗯...几天前 ?“Yes, and you are moving in My anointing for that. But ask every day and see what happens. Come to Me with your music and voice every day asking for a fresh anointing. Ask My Spirit to use you to reach a soul today and then be sensitive to His leading. EXPECT these prayers to be answered, with all your heart and strength and mind. EXPECT it. That is the substance of faith, expecting that what you ask for in accordance with My will, that it surely will be accomplished.” “是的,你正在我的恩膏中向前移动。 但是,要每天请求看看有什么变化。每天都带着你的乐器和音乐来要求我一个新的恩膏。今天请求我的灵使用你,让你触碰一个灵魂,并对他的领导灵敏。 期待这些祈祷会得到答案,用你全部的心,力量和头脑。 期待他们。那就是信的本质,期盼你请求的与我的意愿相匹配,那样它一定会实现。”“That is the springboard to greatness. Not as the world sees greatness, rather as I see it. A little one with a BIG anointing and a very small self-image, even a forgetfulness of self. Just as water seeks the lowest place to come to rest, so does My anointing. Seeing the virtue in others as greater than yourself is a guaranteed exercise in humility that will bring you to that point.” “那是通向伟大的跳板。不是站在人间的角度所看到的伟大,而是我的角度。一个小的有一个大的恩膏,及一个非常小的自我形象,甚至是自我忘记。就像水寻找最低处去休息一样,我的恩膏也是一样。看别人的德行大于自己是一个确保谦逊的练习,并会把你带到那里。”“So, I am asking you to stay little, but expect BIG things from My hand. The only reason something is big is because it needs to reach a lot of people. And yet the soul who maintains in their hearts, with complete abandon, that they are nothing and yet God is doing great things through them. in spite of that, is a soul I can invest with greatness, because they will not abuse it.” “因此,我要求你保持小,但是期待从我这里得到大。 得到大的唯一原因是当需要用它接触到很多人时。 那些心中有灵魂的,完全放弃,认为自己什么都不是的,神会通过他们做很多伟大的事情。尽管如此,是一个我可以投资于伟大的灵魂, 因为他们不回滥用它。”“This is what I am doing with Heartdwellers. I am asking you, My people, to expect success that is out of your league. Not because I want to exalt you but because I want to draw all men to Me, and it is necessary to reach many. So, expect that you will be reaching more and more souls for Me with the anointing I increase in you daily. Do not be amazed, rather expect it. I have a storehouse of graces that is spilling out in abundance that I have chosen you to receive. Only believe in Me and My goodness and you will receive it.” “这就是我用信徒所作的。 我要求你们,我的人民,期待在你的同盟中成功。不是因为我想要抬高你们,而是因为我想要吸引所有人类到我这里, 而且接触到很多人是很有必要的。 因此,带着我每天增加给你们的恩膏,期待你们会为了我触及到更多更多的灵魂。不要惊讶,而是期待。我有一个恩典的仓库,想要大量的倒出给我所选的你们。只有相信我,我的善良,你才会收到它。”“Then keep your head down and look up at those around you with an awareness of their great virtue and honor them. In this way, you will be kept safely in the anointing and not fall into pride. Yes, I am looking for those who believe. They are the ones who will receive the lion’s portion, going from glory to glory.” “ 然后,保持低头,并抬头看你周围的人,他们的美德并尊重他们。这样做,你们会保持安全的被涂膏,并不会陷入自大中。是的,我正寻找那些信任我的人。他们是能够得到狮子的一部分的,从恩典走向恩典的人。”“Now I ask you, dear ones. Spend a few moments and answer that question,’What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?’ Answer that and pray to Me for the guidance to accomplish it. By the way, some of you have truly taken to heart what I have said about not poking constantly around on the internet looking for the latest Rapture prophecy. Your child-like trust brings Me great glory.” “心在我问你们,亲爱的们。 花一点时间,回答这个问题, ‘如果你知道你不会失败,你会尝试什么?’ 回答它,并向我祈祷得到指示。顺便说一下,你们中真的有些人把我说的话放心里,没有不断去网上点击寻找最新被提的预言。你们像孩子一样的信任带给我了很大的荣耀。”“I am putting out the word about the impending Rapture,but it is not for you who are on this path - rather for the ones who haven’t a clue about how deeply in self-love they are living. So, do not discount the prophetic words, but understand… This is to motivate those who are still serving themselves.” “我发送出即将来到的被提的预示,但不是给你们走这条路的人 -而是给那些对自爱没有深入线索的人们。因此,不要对预示的话打折扣,而是理解......这是为了激励哪些依旧服务于自己的人们的。”“You have already made the decision to serve Me; now it is time to get to work and expect the impossible. Remember, it is Me doing it through you, not you doing it by yourself.” “你们已经决定了要服务于我;现在是工作的时候,并期待不可能的事情。记住,是我通过你们在做,不是你们自己在做。”Unless you abide in the vine you will not bear fruit, you are abiding in Me and you shall bear fruit. (taken from John 15:4) 除非你们遵守藤蔓,你们将会收获果实,你们遵守我,你们就会收获果实。(赵端的后记:现在,创世主 -- 耶稣基督(圣灵主宰) 将会给 --- 相信创世主是耶稣,不是李洪志师父 --- 的大法弟子们赐予前所未有的才华和能力。就像神韵艺术团的演员一样,给予大量的恩典。现在,每个大法弟子都需要想想自己想要,期待得到什么,像耶稣基督祈祷赐予,就会得到。但是要谦虚,要看到别人的优点,赞扬别人的美德,自大会失去所得到的一切。)