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The WORLD has to listen to this PROPHECY. Do the BEST in your own country and End all legalizations of Sin!!

AMY ZHAO·SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2016 : is the Reason why I support Trump! To support the kid of the Creator and the Creator’s wishes!It is better for Trump to hold hands of every Americans who are the kids from the Lord. Let no one leave or lost. Let every one vote for him. Not just win, but win the most.This year’s election is not to select the future US president. It is the Fight between JUSTICE and SIN.It is a Chance for every Americans to choose from Good or Evil. Choose from Heaven or Hell. Choose from the Lord or Devil.All the world MAINSTREAM MEDIAS, have you realize what have you done ?Receive money from Lucifer to lie your nation will bring you to the Hell.Now is the chance to correct what have you done !!!As well Canada, do not follow what Obama did. Follow with What Trump will do.Canada must End those legalizations of Sin ( Homosexuality, Abortion, Euthanasia ……..).Otherwise, in the short future, you will bring all kinds of disasters to your people. Note: The Creator = The Lord = Jesus and Jew’s father of Heaven = The Only Saviour of every nation on the land and the whole cosmos