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WARNING from the Prophetic Conference in Taiwan


one warning + one great news

Every country MUST listen to this Video to TAIWAN 台湾人快来听这个视频!! 2016年台湾新总统上台后有可能给台湾北部带来地震!!台湾民众需要告诉蔡英文: 不可以为同性恋合法化立法!!男同性恋,女同性恋,双性恋,变性人,堕胎,安乐死。都是神禁止的非人类行为。是魔鬼的罪恶!!西方国家凡是立过同性恋合法的将来都会有恶报,台湾千万不可以跟着学!!!如果台湾立法,就会给北部地区带来大地震,一定会!!!好消息是:今年,台湾国际器官移植关怀协会,在努力推广要求TTS进入中国大陆的活摘器官实地调查,并希望世界多个国家加入联合推广调查!这是一件大好事!凡是参与推广的医护人员,包括参与推广这个消息的老百姓,都会穿上神赏赐的“金靴子” 。为未来的台湾社会奠定富足,荣耀的基础!!!台湾民众快点转发这个视频!!!!=====================There will be a big earthquake at north part of Taiwan, in this year, or 2017. It is caused by the new president Cai Ying Wen’s government policy. Right now, she wants to approve the legislation of Lesbian, Gay. This video gives the Warning to Taiwan. If the legislation of LGBT is passed by the government, the massive earthquake will come for sure. It is the punishment from the Lord. (So, No matter which country, Never approve whatever God does not allowe for human beings to have, such as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans Human, Abortion, Euthanasia........It is crucial! Otherwise, you will bring disasters to yourself and the whole nation.)The good news is : in this year, Taiwan Association for International Care of Organ Transplantation launched the investigation of organ harvesting inside China. This association asks many countries globally to join together and request TTS going into China to do this investigation. This is the gold river from Taiwan flowing to the World. Whoever do it, any country, any individuals, will deserve the Gold shoes which will bring the future glorious wealth to themselves. ONLY THE LORD WILL GIVE YOU THE REAL GLORY !!!