1 = The Creator, Holy Father, KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, God, the only 1 who can save the Big Cosmos at End-Age2 = 2 Worlds on Earth: Eastern world and Western world 3 = 3 Principle of the Big Cosmos : “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance”, explained in Falun Dafa literatures. By reading Dafa books and practice 5-exercise, you can meet the Holy Spirit closely, become a “sheep”, go inside the Body of Christ. Also means: Holy Father - Holy Son - Holy Spirit, 3 in 1 in western religion; Taoism - Buddhism - Confucianism, 3 in 1, formed 5000years ancient Chinese Divine civilization.For the purpose of lying, cheating and replacing The Creator’s plan, Satan and Demons use 3 to represent themselves as well, for example, triple 6. 4 = Human world on Earth, for example: 4 seasons, 4 directions, 5 = “The living Creator on land”, when he born on land with a human body, just like Jesus born as a human 2000 years ago; or “prophet from God at the End-Age” in western culture. FalunDafa Master Li, Hongzhi ‘s birthday : May 13, 1951 (Book of Revelation 5:13)The Date of FalunDafa meditation launched to public in China : May 13, 1992Our Lady of Fatima, Virgin Mary, The Miracle of Sun in Portugal : May 13, 19175 also mean half of 10, half perfect as a human being. For example, to clarify the truth of FalunDafa and save God’s children globally from Tribulation, Master Li is half, Dafa practitioners is the other half.After Jesus Christ return, on the New Heaven and Earth, the other half will be the Lion kingdom of Christ,which is China, Book of Revelation 12:56 = (7-1) Demons, government under demons’s control. 6= Dragon(Chinese Communist Party), 6= Pope Francis(Beast out of Earth), 6= Obama(Beast out of Sea). Hence, a full Beast Mark = 666. Mary’s 6 angles: 3-religion in western world Christian, Catholicism, Judaism and 3-religion in eastern world Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism7 = ( 3+4 ) Perfect in Heaven, but not forever, will drop off at the End-Age. All religion believers will drop their original belief and start to practice the Universal Law from The Creator, Falun Dafa, at the End-Age period and after Jesus Christ’s return.8 = (4+4) East Earth and West Earth. 9 = Taoism’s perfect number, a favour number in ancient Chinese civilization/culture. For example, has 9 chapters. has 9 chapters. 10 = Perfect as a human, full talented human beings11 = ( 5 + 6 angles) = (12-1) The Creator’s governments, those kingdoms/ nations worship the Holy Father12 = (3*4) Multiply means a complete merge, perfect and forever in Heaven. Spirit will go to Heaven with flesh body, for example, Sainta Maria in history. At the End-Age, FalunDafa practitioners will go back to Heaven with both spirit and human flesh body. The 5-exercise of Falun Dafa is to transform the flesh body with high quality energies from the big universe, also means to replace Earth substance by Heaven substance. Hence, Falun Dafa practitioners are able to go back to Heaven with human body without death. This is also one of the most important difference from any traditional religions in both East and West world in history. FalunDafa practitioners have 2 generations as planed in the Kingdom of Heaven: Before Jesus Christ return(Lamb/Sheep) + After the return(Saints&Children). Whoever can start to practice FalunDafa now, will collect “Early Bird Bonus”, as well, will become the Real “Elite group” in future New Heaven and Earth. www.minghui.org13= (6+7) Beasts, Book of Revelation 13中文解释:1 = 一个创世主,来自大穹之外,进入大穹之内拯救大穹,在末世时期洪传宇宙大法2 = 地球上的2个世界,东方世界和西方世界3 = 代表创世主/神的数字。3个宇宙特性: 真, 善, 忍。 西方世界宗教3位1体:圣父,圣子,圣灵;东方世界,儒释道3家;同样, 撒旦帮为了制造迷惑,混淆创世主的安排,及更好的欺骗众生,也安排了自己的一套计划:同样用3代表它们自己,比如有3个64 = 人间世界/地球,比如 4季, 4方,4物,4灾5 = 创世主在人间的肉身,身为人子的形象,比如历史上的圣子耶稣。同样,法轮功创始人李洪志先生出生在5月13日,法轮大法洪传于世也是在5月13日(见《圣经启示录》5:13) 5也代表“人的完美”的一半, 另一半是法轮大法弟子。 在正法时期大法弟子圆满飞升之后,未来的另一半5是中国政府,狮子国度,见《圣经启示录》12:56 = (7-1),宗教指定的政府,恶魔的政府,恶魔:1个6=中国共产党,1个6=奥巴马政府,1个6=教皇方济各。 所以一个完整的兽印是 666; 同时,6也代表圣玛丽的6个天使:东西方各3个正教: 基督教,天主教,犹太教,佛教,道教,儒教7 = (3+4), 人修炼成神去天堂,但是不永恒。 加上去的,可以掉下来,所以只是暂时的。另一个意思:人类历史中的所有宗教修炼,都是扔掉人身,只有元神去天堂。也代表,将来西方宗教信徒会扔掉自己原本的信仰,开始修炼法轮大法。成为“绵羊”的一员,进入末世基督的身体里。8 = (4+4 ),地球的西方和东方9 = 代表道家完美的数字,道士喜欢的数字,也是中国古代文化中中国人喜欢的数字。《转法轮》有9章。《9评共产党》有9章。10 = 人的完美,人肉身的全能,多才多艺的人。等同于中国人讲的 “十全十美” 11 = (12-1)或 (5+圣玛丽的6个天使), 朝拜创世主/神的人间政府, 属神的国度 12 = (3*4),修炼的永恒,神的永久的完美。相乘等于完全的融合,不会掉下来。另一个含义: 修炼圆满时,元神带着肉身升天,例如:法轮大法性命双修,改变本体,肉身可以去天堂。在西方宗教历史中,只有圣玛丽在飞升时是同时带着灵和肉身走的。其他历史中的圣徒们都是死后,灵去了天堂,肉身留人间不腐烂。原因是圣玛丽“无原罪”。“无原罪”不是说在人间生活不会做错事,不会犯罪,而是说因为圣玛丽的元神(灵)不是宇宙中原有的生命,是创世主为了拯救大穹,按照自己的心愿,后造的生命。所以与原始生命相比圣玛丽没有在天上犯错,是带着使命下到人间,所以无原罪。 在末世时期,所有与创世主签了誓约的子民都是为了完成被救度的历史使命,抛弃神的光环,下到人间做人。当创世主向人间传宇宙大法时,所有修炼法轮大法的人都可以带着肉身圆满飞升。历史定下的大法徒有2代人:正法时期大法弟子+法正人间时期大法弟子。大淘汰结束后,创世主归来时,会送正法时期大法弟子圆满回天国。在地球更新之后,未来得救的人将成为法正人间时期大法弟子。现在,凡是能够走入修炼的人都是很有福分的,等于提早修炼,会成为未来新人类的精英层,被神承认的精英层。13 = (6+7)西方世界的2个兽,见《圣经启示录》第13章