March 1, 2017
Revelation 9:11 And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.
911 is the birthday of Jesus
11:11 Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.
Sep 11, 2017 is also the Rapture day of The Bride of Christ, Me, Amy Zhao to Heaven from within USA
Mar 2, 2017
>>>Revelation 6:7—17
Trouble is coming to USA, the more you make trouble to China, the greater more you will bring to yourself.
This is the Law of the Universe.
Good to others= greater good to oneself; Trouble others = greater troubles to oneself.
>>>Wedding store….4 month/ April…..10 years old boy…..
Passover, Feast week is in April and May
Hence, the time the Holy Father asks The Bride of Christ , Me, to go to USA is in April.
Mar 3
Confirmation to me, the Bride of Christ, go to Shen Yun Feitian school in New York state.
飞/fei = to fly 天/tian = sky or heaven
Mar 4
>>Testings coming now, before leaving
I already be tested in Feb. (and more is coming till the day of Rapture. )
The one who tested me is Brendan. He was keeping saying Master Li is a liar, cheating and stealing Laws from Holy Father, mixed everything together : buddha swa and Tao taiji , and Li has lots of $$…….blur….blur…….
At the beginning I can not figure out what is really happened on him………then….one day, I say I will not quit Falun dafa. Then, Brendan starts to be anxious, and posts me the link of articles to proof himself is right.
Do you know from where he find fake info of Falun Gong??? From the website of Chinese embassy in USA !!!!
竟然从中领馆的网站找污蔑法轮功素材来考验我!! Then , I kick him out of my sight and Facebook. 😄😄😄hahhahha
>> This is a every good video about real Bible VS fake Bible made by Satan’s children
Jewish people worship the Holy Father, Yahushua HaMashiach; Christians worship the Holy son, Jesus.
Both are God who can be worshipped. However, in Catholicism, there is no identical “God” for people to worship. Virgin Mary is not a “goddess” ,but a saint.
Catholicism is a good one for Satan to play with. God Almighty allows it. During whole 2000 years, there are many many good saints from Catholicism, good believers, and stay holiness. All is prepared for the End-Age, today, for supporting the son of Satan, Nero. Pope Francis and many bad popes, bishops.
It is a ‘deal’ between God almighty and Lucifer old order.
Testings will be created at the End-Age period to challenge if one can tell Truth or Lie, whether one can win or loss. Here you can find the history of Catholicism.
Especially, ‘JESUS walking on street’ VS ‘POPES sleeping in palace’. If you understand this difference, you will understand Falun Dafa and the persecution.
The Story of Falun Dafa english-sub
Mar 6
Confirmation on ‘how the rapture will look like’
As Brendan said in his cartoon book, same as the real happen in New Zealand long long time ago. There will be a big storm coming, block people outside, the sky opens a door, the body will be lifed. After the storm, human body will not be find on land any more.
This is the Rapture of The Church , me, to Heaven with human meat body.
Who is the True Church?
The Church, Me, Amy Zhao , as The Bride of Christ , is the Body of Christ. I am the human body of Christ with a spirit of love originally from Christ, the Holy Spirit.
原来如此,以前我总是说,李洪志师父是 ’住在地上的创世主‘, 是 ’创世主的人身‘, 结果我发现,西方社会根本对我说的话死气沉沉,一点反应都没有。因为我没有读过圣经,不知道西方社会对创世主的理解是什么,我总是站在我自己的认识上让人接受法轮功。现在,我知道了原来我本人才是‘创世主的人身’。 原来 The Bride of Christ 才是‘住在地上的创世主’ ,这个‘人身’必须是女性才行。所以不可能是李洪志师父。
李洪志师父,是天上的创世主在末世时期派到人间传宇宙大法的先知,西方宗教叫 prophet 。
The Bride of Christ, 所主的地方是 Temple of God. 因为我总是拒绝去神韵艺术团,所以,西方社会不承认神韵所在的大殿就是创世主在人间的 ‘第三殿堂’ 。
很快,我就去山上住了。我去哪里住,哪里就是 ‘第三殿堂’
Soon later, I will go to Fei Tian Academy, just under the Hill. Where I will go is where the’ Temple of God’ located.
Confirmation on the end-age mission of The Bride of Christ: to awake the world, including Dafa practitioners, before the Deadline arrive.
Including: The deadline date & who is Master Li & who is The Creator & who I am.
We are at the End-Age, 2017 is the last year as I said always before for TRUE. Time almost up. Please wake-up now!!
Mar 13
Confirmation on The Time of Me be lifted on spirit. The Rapture of my spirit, same as the time I go to New York State, The Temple of God, is April.
Mar 14
Be Ready Now!!!! Be Ready Now
This content from Enoch is what will happen ‘NOW’.
Mar 16
Dream about the Heaven seal will break short later.
Book of Revelation / <圣经启示录》
5 And after that I looked, and, behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened:
6 And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.
Testimony including everyone on Earth, all live beings, Falun Dafa practitioners and non Dafa practitioners. Difference is each one’s own VOW detail may varies, but the purpose will be the same: to be saved and to help save others. 大法弟子的誓约,所有常人的誓约都存在天上,创世主的大殿里的约柜中。 誓约的封印即将被打开。每个人的承诺都会被一条条审视,看兑现没有。
细麻衣/ pure and white linen: 正念正行/ think and do righteously
16: 2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.
4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
今年11月19日 之后至2018年早期会发生的事情。 / Will happen from Nov 19 2017 to early 2018
Mar 20
Here is a 16 years boy dreams eating mango fruit in Heaven but it is not mange. Mango is one of my favorite fruit. This is a confirmation on what I said to Dafa practitioners. In this harvest season, there are many children be saved on my wedding dress and I ship them to Heaven. However, in Heaven many children are not belong to me. Their new mother is other Dafa practitioners. 我在之前的文章中说过,有很多其他‘羔羊’ 的众生现在都挂在我的婚礼裙上,由我来把他们送到天国世界,之后他们会回到其他大法弟子的世界中做众生。 芒果是我最喜欢的水果之一,这个16岁男孩准备吃芒果时,发现不是芒果,只有属于我的众生才会吃我的水果。这个男孩以为做我的船去天堂,就是我的众生,所以去吃芒果,结果发现不是。他是其他某个大法弟子的‘孩子’。
》》 Confirmation on what I will do inside “Temple of God” , where Shen Yun and Fei Tian located, The Hill.
To delight my Bridegroom by writing and singing songs for him and praise his love, compassion & everything. For I belong to and love himself only, Jesus, the Holy Son of Yahushua HaMashiach Almighty, where Holy Spirit lives in his God-Body now. For healing his wounded heart and painful body by my love & worship. For salvation to beloved children of me and him. For I will express the love of God into self-awaken power and back to godly Heaven being in each child. For I can finally sit besides him without inferiority and with worthy and love from mission.
I love you ~~~ my bridegroom ~~~ may my love heal your endless pains , may I can give back to you more than I received~~~~
我听说,最近山上管的很严哦,一般人不可以上山哦,上山要经过师父批准才可以。 是不是,我可以见到我的BRIDEGROOM呢?~~~~~
Daddy 对我的期许:不要被撒旦骗走。
Do not allow the enemy to convince you otherwise, Clare, for his entire motive is to deprive me of the consolations of your love. Please, see this clearly. Protect this gift and refuse guilt for this holy time set aside to me. Defend this gift. I need this from you. 看来,我会有一些 ‘磨难’ ,来自修炼人内部。 山上的修炼人。 我听说最近山上的修炼抓的很紧,师父对弟子要求非常严格,一大早就起来学法练功。 我也不能懒!!在这个最后的时间里,不要自卑内疚,要努力作曲赞美神。
Daddy 对神韵演员的期许:让更多人归顺神,朝拜耶和华
"My Brides, you are My delight. Spend this time with Me for no other purpose than to relish My presence and bring Me joy. Do not concern yourselves with sour notes or being off key; the key of love is always perfect. Love Me as you have never loved Me before, because this world brings Me endless pain and I need so much endless worship to heal these wounds. And as you worship, I overflow with graces to all My children for healing, and I use the vibration of your songs to bring down the walls of oppression and swathe My wounded ones in My love."
"Do not be convinced otherwise, your gifts are so very important to Me. They are a treasure and can not be replaced by anyone."
"If only souls knew and could accept the reality of the pleasure they bring Me, we would have many more worshippers on the Earth."
Brides — 指的是大法弟子,神韵的演员们。创世主耶和华有要求: 要比之前更爱❤️创世主耶和华 !要用爱❤️带领孩子们朝拜,赞美,归顺神,圣灵。用爱❤️来抚平耶和华为众生承受的业力和痛苦。用爱❤️平衡十字架。用爱❤️唤醒更多更多的朝拜者,得救的众生。
》》 Spring Rapture in April ‘Passover’
Rapture/被提,精神层次升华。在下个月,犹太节 ‘passover’ 4 月11日那个星期。我会去山上。创世主会整体提升人类的境界。但是,只有心中知道什么是 ‘rapture’的人,准备好的人,心中有创世主耶和华的人才会得到这个大福报的。请大法弟子准备好,跪拜创世主耶和华名讳。
Mar 21
Yes, year 2017 in Jewish calendar is year 5777, year of sword, and the celebration year of the combination of “East and West Israel”. 5 (Master Li Hongzhi) 7 (Catholicism) 7 (Christianity) 7 (Judaism) will meet together.
Mar 22
Why In July?? Do not let the Old - Order plan take action !!!
Year 2017 is a special year in Lunar East-Israel calendar. Many may think it is a long year of 384 days, however that includes Satan’s plan. There are 13 months, with 2 month of June and 2 ‘ day of spring’ ( Feb3,2017 & Feb4,2018).
The 1st Lunar June is from June 24 – July 22, last 29 days, which is a regular June. Following with the 2nd Lunar June/闰6月 from July23 – Aug 21, the month of Beast, last 30 days.
By this reason, year 2017 should be considered as a short day year. 384 -30 =354 days, which has 11 days shorter than 365 days.
29-11=19 , Hence, the deadline for Tribulation will be Nov 19, 2017
Mar 25
The Truth About Easter
Easter from word “EAST”. Master Li Hongzhi was born on May 13, 1951. Sunday, mother’s day, year of RABBIT.
Mar 27
》》》Message 1
“ My children I have been showing many that is almost a midnight hour, so are you ready my children and are you watching I am coming and I am coming now. and many disasters and calamities will follow after mission are gone raptured these, those who are left behind, it will suffer much and this breaks my heart. even though they will call out to me in too many more during this time will curse me, so who will you choose? Time is so very short, this was not time to be on the fence by the time to choose, keep your focus on me and your feet will not stumble , are you felt when I’ll tumble, call out to me in dark times as much chaos and confusion will be taken place, I am here reach out your hand to me,lean on me I see each every one of your heart as my daughter and my service have been shown destruction of judgement is soon to be solid earth , I a so close children, do not give up, I know many are being tested and having trails and tribulations right now, do not worry as I have you by the hand as this is the final clean period before I come for my bride and she is spotless without wrinkle or blemish, trust in me to lead you into guide you, my children do you feel my love, because it’s around to every day I will never leave you nor for sake you, my word does not change, as I your Lord and your Saviour speak the truth only the truth can’t be for me as an innocent child trusting in their father plus can to provide for them, as you truly are my children as I created you, you are my most treasured possession, I love you , I love you my children, my bride and coming for you in the midnight hour”
Dream confirmation : The Creator of Heaven and Earth(创世主耶和华) will come to pick me up at Midnight Hour in April to Shen Yun hill. 什么叫做 “夜里像贼一样的来” ?举个例子,今年2月28日神韵在多伦多演出时,李洪志师父来多伦多看演出了,但是,师父是怎么进的大门,什么时候来的,没有人看到,来无影。以前多伦多开法会时,师父也是这样来法会现场的,还带着弟子一起 “来无影,去无踪” 。(不知道,美国海关哪里,会不会有出入记录?? ) 神迹随时都在,信者见,不信不可见,信在先,见在后,这是人间及宇宙的真理。Short Future, all children be lefted will suffering the pain and hopeless on destruction. How sad is that !!! Darlings~~~all God’s children~~wake up now, be Saved ~~ be Saved!!!Because Falun Dafa practitioners Do Not wake up, then children will not wakeup either!!因为还有那么多法轮大法弟子们,还在“睡觉”, 意识不到时间的紧迫, 不相信今年是最后一年,思想没有在法上,所以,孩子们也一样的在睡觉,不相信大淘汰即将来临,所以没有自救的紧迫性。 》》》Message 2God’s Judgement starts from Me, the Church / 创世主的审判即将开始,先从我本人开始,因为我赵端是 “神的殿堂” “神的家” Question: "What is agape love?" Answer: The Greek word agape is often translated “love” in the New Testament. How is “agape love” different from other types of love? The essence of agape love is goodwill, benevolence, and willful delight in the object of love. Unlike our English word love, agape is not used in the New Testament to refer to romantic or sexual love. Nor does it refer to close friendship or brotherly love, for which the Greek word philia is used. Agape love involves faithfulness, commitment, and an act of the will. It is distinguished from the other types of love by its lofty moral nature and strong character. Agape love is beautifully described in 1 Corinthians 13. 问:什么是 agape love? 答: 仁爱,仁慈,没有性欲的爱,也就是真善忍的善。“This is the direct message to the The Body of Christ/法轮大法弟子:As good stewards of the manifold grace of God, if anyone speaks, let him speak as the Oracles of God, if anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever Amen”翻译: 做为神众多恩惠的好管家,如果有人说话,就让他说神说过的话。如果有人照顾(他人),就让他这样做,就像神提供的能力一样,所有神通过耶稣基督所能荣耀的,将永远永远荣耀和统治于他们。 阿门!这里是上帝耶和华对法轮大法大法负责人的指示:负责人是神的管家,如果有普通修炼人要说话,就给他们机会说活。如果有修炼人照料其他修炼人,负责人就应该让他去这样做。就像上帝赋予圣子耶稣基督所有荣耀一样,上帝--神也会赋予法轮大法负责人永远的荣耀与统治的权利。信!“(This is the message to Me, Amy Zhao, The Church) Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing has happened to you, but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings that when his glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the spirit of glory and God rest upon you on their part he is blasphemy, but on your part he is glorified, but let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildor or as a busy body and other people’s matters, yet if anyone suffered as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter. ”翻译: (这是上帝创世主耶和华对赵端说的话)亲爱的,不要对这个火热试探感到奇怪,如同一些奇怪的事情发生在你身上一样。而是,当上帝的光辉即将显露出来时,为可以一同与基督承受苦难而感到高兴。你的快乐甚至可以超越高兴。如果你因为基督的名义而受到责难,那么被祝福的人是你。因圣灵的荣耀和上帝落在了你的身上,被亵渎的是上帝,但落在你身上的是上帝的荣耀。但是,不要让自己,因任何承受,变得像一个凶手,贼,邪恶者,为人而活的人一样忙碌。而是,如果任何人,因作为一个基督徒而受苦,让他不要被羞辱,而是让他得到上帝的荣耀。(亲爱的圣父--创世主,我知道了,我会为我不被人理解而感到高兴和荣耀。 I love you Daddy 💖💕💖)创世主耶和华 提供的圣经经文指示:圣经新约彼得前书第4章17-19 Peter 4:17因为时候到了,审判要先从“神的殿堂”(赵端和所有法轮大法弟子)开始:若是先从我们起首,那么,不信从神福音的人将有何等的结局呢?For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?4:18 “若‘正念正行之人’仅仅是得救(不圆满),那么,不神圣和行罪造业之人将有何地可站呢?”And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?4:19所以,那照神旨意受苦的人要一心为善,将自己灵魂交与那信实的创世主。Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful CREATOR.
Mar 28 from God Almighty: “Restoration of the Church is underway & a step towards unity”
Mar 29 Jesus did NOT marry Mary Magdalene竟然有人诽谤我儿子??!!!!! 亵渎神是不可饶恕的罪!!!懂不???????My "Son and Daughter in law"我儿子今生今世是有老婆的! 我儿媳妇是不是很漂亮啊??只是可惜自从2006年神韵艺术团成立以来,我就再没见过她了,她在山上跳舞。 2004年我还在密西沙加住时,有见过她姐姐和父母,姐姐嫁了个白人,住在欧洲。后来, 她退下来,在美国加州当舞蹈老师。一直没回多伦多,我都很多年没看到我儿媳妇了。Joel 以前在法会上说过自己的修炼心得,说,他爸爸不理解为什么他老婆被师父要求去加州,为什么不回多伦多?Joel 也有很多来自家庭的心性磨难要过,你家主子修炼也不是那么轻松的,孩子们~~~有些人长得人模鬼样的,社会地位还很高,但就是不说实话,有一个诚信的外表是专门用来骗人的。这就叫做末世!这就叫做考验!所以,能得胜的才了不起!!!Revelation/启2:7 圣灵向众教会所说的话,凡有耳的,就应当听!得胜的,我必将 神乐园中生命树的果子赐给他吃。’He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.启3:5 凡得胜的,必这样穿白衣,我也必不从生命册上涂抹他的名,且要在我父面前和我父众使者面前认他的名。He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.我记得我第一次开庭时,法官不想批我,就问我特别奇观的问题,目的是想设一个陷阱套我进去。我在文件里写我认识Joel, 法官就问我: 你与Joel 有几次私人会面? 然后我根本回答不上了。这个问题太奇怪了,什么叫私下里会面??意思是说,2个人单独出去喝个咖啡什么的.......... 当时,我根本不理解,后来,我记得 Joel开车送我回家时,我还跟他在车上吵。我说法官没有问题,Joel 说他们想要对我不利,我说没有,他说有,我说没有,他就急了,态度还特别肯定。当时我理解不了这帮人到底怎么想的,现在差不多知道一些了。哎~~还是白种人理解白种人哈~~~~哈哈还有很多修炼人认为 “Eve sleep with devil “, 的确是这样。当年我和亚当走的很近,有说有笑。有同修就说,“他们之间一定发生了什么 “, “记得2个人相处时,用布把师父法相遮住”...........现在你们知道了,亵渎圣灵是什么罪?认为圣灵不洁净的结果是什么? 所以,要怎么偿还呢.?????...... 这就是忏悔,磕头的重要性。
Mar 302017 is the Last Year for you to be Saved!! Be Braced and Be fasting !! 禁食Please Pray and Fasting for yourself !!“Jesuelives 444” is ready to go! Good for Her!!